Who's there?

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Quick note: I don't ship aph with anyone but I am NOT going to make her be with Aaron since yk their age gap and pls don't try to fight me in the comments because I'll probably just delete it so it has no effect on anyone 😐

Y/n Pov:
I lay my against the table not eating my food due to my tiredness and weariness. The school assignments are tightly wrapped around me not letting me breathe.

"Y/n you okay?" Laurence asks taking a seat next to me. "Yeah, just tired." I say sitting back up. "I feel you." Aphmau says dramatically putting a hand up against her chest. Laurence looks at me. "You've got any plans for tonight?" He asks me. "Other then stay in my room all night none." I smile.

"Hm" was all he said. "So aph... You and garroth?" I smirk at her. Laurence nudges Garroths elbow since Garroth was sitting next to Laurence. Garroth and Aph blush immediately.

Aph covers her hands with her faces. "You should so see you face aph!" Katelyn says laughing uncontrollably. "I think they would make a cute pair" Kc says to the boys sitting next to her, Dante and Travis. "You know who else is cute?" Lucinda questions.

"Lucinda we don't want to hear about your boyfriend." Laurence, Katelyn, and Aph all say together. Lucinda sighed and rolled her eyes.


I remember laying on my stomach on my bed and listening to the music that was spinning on a vinyl I owned because my parents had taken my phone away because I forgot to do dishes they said I forgot because of the amount of time I spend on my phone

My parents were both out probably out on a date I don't know. I stretch out off of the bed when suddenly I heard a loud crash.

The noise had came from downstairs, in the garage. My heart stopped while I froze. The music of vinyl being the only source of noise in the house. I walked to my vinyl and turned it off.

I never once thought I would have to worry about some intruder coming into my house but here I was terrified more than ever.

I crept to my parents room trying to not make any noise. I grabbed a metal bat my dad had kept when he played baseball with his friends in the local park.

I went back in my room and hid in my closet when suddenly my heart and soul had left me when I heard my door opened.


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