Crushes In the Park

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Y/n Pov:

It was finally Saturday and it turns out that I am free today so I can hang out with my friends today.

We all called earlier and plan where and what time we would meet.

I got ready to go to meet with Aphmau and the boys.


I got to the park which was where we decided to meet up.

I looked around the park to see if I could find them surprisingly I only found Aphmau. I had noticed aphmau had brought a picnic basket.

"Hey, Aphmau!" I waved towards Aphmau

"Oh hey, Y/n!" Aphmau walked over to me.

"Where's Laurence and Garroth?" I questioned

"Oh actually I don't know but they should arrive soon," Aphmau said

"Oh okay then," I said

Aphmau and I talked for a bit until the boys finally came after like 15 minutes.

"What took you guys so long?" I asked

"Well we did have to walk here," Garroth said

"Yeah and so did we and yet we didn't take 15 minutes to get here," Aphmau said

"Well maybe because we live further away from the park," Laurence told aphmau

"Alright alright, so what are we going to do now?" I asked

"Well I did bring food so maybe we could have a picnic and after that have a walk in the park," Aphmau explained

"Sounds like a plan!" Laurence said


We found a place to eat and I noticed that Garroth and Laurence both sat down next to Aphmau and Aphmau was Blushing so hard

Garroth and Laurence both gave each other glares.

Man I thought I was one to get jealous easily

And from the looks of it, they both have a crush on her.

So I decided to mess with the guys.

"Laurence? Garroth? Is something wrong? You both seem upset and angry." I said

"Nothing!" They both said

"Sure whatever you say" I smirked

Our day at the park ended. So we all went back to our houses Garroth and Laurence walked Aphmau home to make sure she arrives safely.

But overall we had a fun day at the park. We were all enjoying each other company.

Well, I'm not sure about Garroth and Laurence they both gave each other death glares half of the time.

I mean they also fought over who would take Aphmau home. It wasn't until Aphmau came up with the idea of them both walking her home.

But the boys should have been able to come up with that idea on their own if you ask me.

But hey as long as we stick together I think we will all be just fine.



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