An Hour of a Crying Hug

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Y/n Pov:

"It's sad knowing that I'm younger and yet I'm able to be more mature then you" I said.

"Do you what would happen if the girls saw this?" Before I could say anything he cut me off

"War" I put my hand over my mouth trying to contain my laughter. "Its not going to be funny when students at school are going to make your life hell"

"And do what?" He put his finger to his cheek and said "Fights, bullying-"
"Oh yeah and teachers are going to be on the sidelines betting which one of us is going to win"

"That could happen" He shrugged. "I don't care less about the photo" I said. "Okay maybe you don't but maybe Laurences does" Damnit he's right.

I looked away from him and didn't say anything. "That's what I thought"
"What exactly are you getting at with this photo?" He had a evil smile on his face.

"I need-"
"Never mind you don't get a chance to speak" He gave me a confused look "I'm going to tell you something so listen up" I told him.

"Tell me how does blackmailing a student make you feel? And just remember it's a student who is younger than you. Really though do you feel like the bigger person? Do you feel better that you should know better?
Do you feel better that your ruining others life for your own happiness because you have your downfall in life? Tell me Gene how does make you feel?"

No response.

"Tell me!" I yelled at him. "I- I don't know okay!" He said. "You know it's a shame that Dante idolizes you...he'll just have to wait to see that his idol isn't what he thinks he is" I smiled.

"You wouldn't." He spat.
"Honestly I think other people would like to hear about this news too" I told him. "You're not going to do that" I laughed "What? I'm only doing what you were doing. Oh come on don't tell me you can do that but I can't" I said.

"F-fine screw that stupid photo!" He said. "I win" I smiled at him. He looked angry as if he was holding in that anger.

"Oh come on Gene don't be like! And if you are you can cry me a river" I said putting my faces to my face and making a crying motion with my hands. "Stop it" He said with more aggressiveness in his voice.

"Uh oh he's about to have his Elsa from frozen moment" I snickered.
"Just a reminder Gene this is what you do to people" I said. "Oh! And if this happens again I will make sure common sense gets through your head. " I glared at him before taking off.

I saw Teony she was monitoring the halls and I didn't need to get into trouble right now so I hid behind a piller. "Y/n, I saw you" She told me. I slowly revealed myself and waved. "I'm surprised you know my name" I said "I know A LOT of people's name but mind telling me why you're not in class?"

"I don't know if you'll believe me but this is all true, I had ran into Gene and he was bothering me and was stopping me from going to class and I started to teach him a lesson about something." I said.

"I believe you. Gene has caused so much trouble and for you to tell him something it's nice for once. Teachers always excuse his behavior."

"But you have a brain unlike those teachers who don't want to make changes" She continued "I'm glad I could talk to you about this it's always bothered me that people who have little to no 'power' have to be the ones to make the changes" She smiled at me. I smiled back at her.

"Oh right! I write you a pass!" She pulled out out a blank pass and wrote on it "Alright here you go!" She handed it to me. "Thank you!" I am so happy I got a pass from her! That means my mom won't get a call saying I missed a period.

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