Liar Liar Pants on Fire

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Y/n Pov:

There's no way...Dante doesn't mean Laurence likes me right? What if he does? What do I do? Wait if we both like each other then-

Calm down y/n! Don't get ahead of yourself! Maybe Dante just thinks Laurence likes me...yeah maybe he just thinks that.

I take a quick breath in and put my hands on my face.

I felt a hand on my back and my eyes widen "Hey y/n, are you doing okay? You look kind of stressed..." I turned to see Laurence.

"Laurence! You made me think you were a total stranger!" I shook my head with a smile.

"Sorry about that, but that doesn't answer my question Y/n. Are you okay?" Laurence gave me a concerned look.

"Yeah I'm doing well it was I was thinking about something so don't worry about me"

"Well, what was on your mind?" He tilted his head.

I nervously laughed, "Uh- Nothing much! Just that the assignments keep piling up!"

I looked around and see Dante glaring at me giving me a 'really' or are you a serious look.

"I get what you mean but hey, if you ever need help with assignments don't be afraid to ask me for help" He smiled at me.

"Thank you, my dearest teacher" I rolled my eyes.
"But uh...yeah thank you" I rubbed the back of my neck.

I walked out of the school building to head home until someone walked up next to me. I turned to see Dante "Dante?"

"You're a bad liar y/n" He shook his head. "Huh?"
"You're a bad liar," He said again. "Hey! I didn't know else to say! What was I supposed to say?"

"Was I supposed to say: Laurence it's not the assignments on my mind it's you and your on my mind 24/7!" I continued.

"Yes," I shot him with a really look. "Dante, I think Aphmau also has a crush on Laurence so..."

"...I would feel like I'm a terrible friend." I sighed.

"I think maybe you should tell Aphmau that you like him she might take it easy or might not, but even if she doesn't then it's nothing to worry about Aphmau is a very nice person the worst thing she can do to you is not talk to you for like a week," Dante explained.

"Okay, it's worth a shot I guess," I said sighing.

"You got this you don't have to be afraid of anything," He said placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Well I'm just going to see what the future holds for me," I said confidently

"Oh, and liar lair pants on fire," he said with a smug grin on his face. "You are such a dummy," I said nudging his elbow and shaking my head smiling.



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