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Laurence Pov:

I stood in the classroom staying dumbfounded and blushing at what
Y/n almost said. Was she going to say Love you? I couldn't care less if she was going to say love you because if I must confess I have feelings for y/n.

My Irene, Y/n what have you done to my heart?

(After school, Friday)
Y/n Pov:

I was starting at the ceiling doing nothing. I still felt embarrassed by what I said. Great! Who knows what Laurence thinks of me now?

And speaking of Laurence, He texted me? What could he possibly text me for?

Laurence: Hey Y/n?

Y/n: Yes?

Laurence: I was wondering if you're holding up okay?

Oh No! Is he talking about what I said? because if he is I'm throwing my phone out the window.

Y/n: Huh? Wdym?

Laurence: I mean, Earlier you were heating up so I was wondering if you're okay and not sick or anything.

Y/n: Oh! Yeah, yeah! I'm fine!

Laurence: Oh that's good I wouldn't want my angel to get sick ;)

I dropped my phone.

WHAT THE FUCK? DID HE CALL ME ANGEL? This has to be Dante and he probably took Laurence's Phone!

Y/n: Dante istg if this is you texting me!

Laurence: Oh I can assure you it's not Dante but me Laurence texting you.

Y/n: I don't believe you.

Laurence: Well, how would Dante know that you were heating up earlier?

Y/n: ...

Laurence: Exactly.

Y/n: But what's with the nicknames all of a sudden 🤨

Laurence: So you can say you love me but I can't say your, my angel?

I started getting nervous as I didn't how to respond.

Y/n: Look, I'm sorry if I got a little too comfortable with my words and made you uncomfortable I would never want to make my friends feel that way.

Laurence: What no no no! You didn't make me uncomfortable I actually kinda liked that you almost said you love me y'know? ;)

I sighed, this is exactly why I love you, Laurence.

Y/n: Oh really?

Laurence: Yes really.

Y/n: Well then...I love

I paused for a couple of seconds before answering.

Y/n:...F/s! (Fav singer)

Laurence: Aww I really thought you would say it.

Y/n: Hey, if you earn it then perhaps I'll say it.

Laurence: I'm always up for a challenge

Y/n: Is that so?

Laurence: Of course angel

Y/n: Irene the nicknames!

Laurence: Well, you should start getting used to them if it's fine with me calling you any.

Y/n: It's fine but if there are any weird ones then it's-
I send Laurence a picture of a duck holding a sword

Y/n: It's fine but if there are any weird ones then it's-I send Laurence a picture of a duck holding a sword

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for you.

Laurence: Don't worry I know my limits and trust me I won't go past them.

Y/n: Alright well I got to go so bye!

Laurence: Bye bye angel

I turned off my phone, I really do love you Laurence but let's give things some time I thought.

Wait a minute, I just remembered I have to talk to Aphmau. Maybe I should keep it a secret? No! What type of friend would I be if I did that

I turned on my phone and went to Messages and clicked on Aphmau. It took me a minute or two to send the text but the next thing I knew I sent a text saying

'Aphmau can we meet at the park?'


I want to thank everyone who reads this book and votes for the chapters so thank you all <3

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I want to thank everyone who reads this book and votes for the chapters so thank you all <3


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