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Y/n Pov:

"We're sorry!" Me and Dante say at the same exact time.

"It's fine..." The teacher sighs
"Just don't let it happen again."

Dante and I looked at each other and then at the teacher and nodded our heads.

The teacher went back to teaching and me and Dante stayed silent throughout the class.

I was heading out the classroom door and someone grabbed my wrist I turned to see who it was and it was Dante.

"Uh- Dante?" I lean my head back in confusion.

"Sorry I was wondering if you still were going to tell me what you wanted to." He said.

"Oh! Um... I'll tell you just not now okay?"

"Okay tell me whenever you're ready," he told me.

"Okay will do" I smiled at him.

It was lunch and Dante sat across from me at the lunch table.

"Dante?" I called his name.

"Hm?" He looked at me

"I think I'm ready to tell you," I told him.

I slid to the end of the table and I tilted my head trying to get him to understand to slide down too.

Dante did so while the group looked at us and then went back to what they were doing.

"Okay, you can't tell nobody or anything okay?" I said seriously.

"Not even a piece of grass?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Well, uhh- No!" I shook my head.

"Okay okay, what is it?"

I took a breath of air in and out before saying "I think...I think I like Laurence." I said whispering

"What?" He said not hearing my voice.

"I think I like Laurence," I said a little louder than before.

"I cannot hear you," He informed me.

"Omg!" I said facepalming. I got up and sat next to Dante and whispered in his ear.

"I said I think I like Laurence!"

"Ohhhh" Was all he said.

"Please don't tell him!" I said

"Don't worry I won't" He said smirking while checking out his nails.

"I knew it though." Dante started

"Knew what?"

"I knew there was a spark between the both of you."


"Yeah, a spark" he smiled at me

"But there's not a spark between us? He likes Aphmau" I told Dante.

"I don't know," He confessed and shrugged.

"Dante! What does that mean?" I whisper shouted

Dante ignored me and slid back to the group and was smirking knowing exactly what he was doing. This boy.



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