Is this a Date?

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Y/n Pov:

I was waiting in front of the school waiting for Laurence we decided that we were going to walk to the place we wanted to eat, and the decision was made at lunch.
But unfortunately the group heard and thought something was going on between us and thought this was a date. Wait a minute is it? Uhh I don't know and I honestly I don't care what it is at this point.

I asked my mom to drop off my purse for me she asked why but I told her it was because I was going shopping with Aph. Even though it was a lie I know it was going to be worth it.

"BOO!" I let out a scream and turned around to see Laurence. "LAURENCE! Don't do that shit!!" I slightly yelled putting my hands on his shoulders and began shaking him.

"Okay okay I'm sorry!!" He said fastly.
"It's okay, I forgive you" I said.

"Alright then shall we get going?" He asked.

"Yeah come on" I smiled at him.

We walked off and Laurence kept accidentally bumping into me purposely and it was kind of getting on nerves. So I stopped and Laurence stopped and turned to me. "Something wrong?" Laurence asked.

"No no, I'm fine you can go I'll catch up in a sec" I said evilly smiling. Laurence nodded and continued walking.

Perfect. I slowly crept up behind him and stepped on the back of his shoe on purpose and shouted, "Flat tire!!" I started to run and began laughing while Laurence was fixing his shoe. "Y/n!" He shouted meanwhile I began laughing even more. He got his shoe fixed and began chasing after me.

I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and I ended tripping on one the concretes gap line. I looked at my knee and it was bleeding and I began laughing. "Y/n? Are you okay? And why are you laughing you just got hurt?" Laurence asked worried.

"First of all, Laurence I'm not going to cry it's not even that painful and second I'm not dying." I said shrugging it off.

"Well we can't enter with you bleeding" He say crossing his arms.
"Good thing I have tissues in my purse right?"
"Tissues are for your nose though" He said. "Well if it gets the job done then it gets the job done" I said proudly smiling.

"I- Your right" He said.
"Of course I am" I said flipping my hair as a joke.

He rolled his eyes and laughed "Your crazy you know that?" He said warmly smiling at me. "Yeah...I know" I warm heartedly smiled back looking into his eyes.

I finished cleaning my scraped knee and I stood up and now we continued walking to the restaurant.

We arrived at the restaurant "Laurence I'm going to wash my hands" I was going to wash my hands from when I fell I mean I touched the ground and the ground is definitely NOT sanitary.

"Okay well before you go what do you want to eat?" Hmmm
"I want f/f" I said and he nodded and headed the front register to order food.
(F/f= Favorite Food)

I walk into the bathroom to see a girl with a dark hot pink hair and another with girl who looks like meifwa had lavender ish purple hair color fixing there makeup in the mirror and they both look at me.

I didn't know if I should've said anything but yet I did "I love your hair it's pretty" I said awkwardly smiling at the girl with purple hair. "Thanks" She said a smile on her face "Michi's the name" She said.

"Oh um my name is Y/n" I said. "Wow I love it, it's pretty" She says. "Oh thank you" I smile at her.
"Alright well I let you get back to what you came I here for" She said.
"Oh I came in here to use the sink" I said. "Oh sorry my bad" she says moving out of the way so I can use the sink. "It's okay, thank you!"

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