lights out

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Y/n Point of view:
I was in math class with Laurence and we were whispering even if we weren't supposed to. "So do you-" The classroom lights turned off. The class and I looked to see if there was anyone near the light switch to turn to it off.

But no, no one was near the lights. A student got out of their chair and went to look out the window. Then another and another next thing you know all of us were.

We saw that the hall was dark and that other classes were looking out the window too. "Oh hell nah, this is horror movie shit," I said putting both of my hands in the air and shaking my head.

Laurence and a quite a few people laughed but the teacher just shouted, "Y/n! Watch your language!" "Sorry!" I quickly responded.

"I'll call the office to see what is going on," the teacher told us while walking to her desk. Though we all kept our gaze outside the window.

Laurence whispered to me, "The zombies are here our time has come" I nudged his elbow "You couldn't have thought of a more peaceful scenario? And don't even joke about that, it's not funny!" I say but yet a smile was on my face.

We turn to watch the teacher call but the phone wasn't working. Students looked a bit scared but the teacher said "Guys I think the power is out but we should be fine" I turned on my phone and put the flashlight on.

"Y/n could you head to the office to see what is going on?" The teacher asked, "Could I take someone with me?" There was no way I was going alone in a dark empty hall. Going alone into a dark area is how you die in a horror movie and even if wasn't one I'm not taking a chance. The teacher nodded.

"Wanna come?" I asked Laurence and he said he would. The teacher wrote us a slip and we stepped outside the classroom.

We walked down the halls and Laurence said "If anything comes at us like a zombie I will protect you Mi Amor" I looked at him as if he was crazy, as he bowed "You know Spanish?!" I questioned.

"Only a couple of words," he said shrugging "Wow if you keep practicing maybe you'll know a lot"

We went on talking about things and laughing so much that I felt a bit lightheaded. I'm now pretty sure we sounded like we were crazy but we were in the moment and didn't let that stop us.

We heard a crash and I froze dead in my tracks while Laurence slowly turned around. "Laurence, what was that?" "Uh- I don't know" I turned around a bit scared.

When I turned around I saw nothing. I had just sighed in relief. "Okay let's just keep going..." I said.

I had my phone on me with the flash light on so that makes things a little easier and a little less scared but I was also less scared because Laurence was here with me.

"Why are you so calm?" Laurence asked "because you're here with me" I said joking around even if it was true. "Wow I feel honored" He said bowing and taking my hand.

I blushed a lot. "I-" I didn't know what else to say. Laurence looked at me with a smirk on his face and he was also waiting for me to say something.

"Uh nothing never mind" He rolled his eyes with a smile on his face.
"Butttttt! We can go to eat somewhere after school" I said smiling "Okay! That sounds great!" He said his smile wider then ever.

I love his smile.

"Okay, lover boy we really need to get to the office now." I playfully roll my eyes.

We arrive at the office and they tell us not to worry because the power just went out and they are working on it.

We get back to class and...great. We still have to do work. Just in our math books instead of the computer.


Happy Halloween! 🎃-----------------------------------------------------------

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Happy Halloween! 🎃

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