Hand In Hand

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Y/n pov:

We were all at the Roller Rink and we got our skates and went into the rink.

My mom just dropped us off because she didn't want to 'embarrass' us because she was so good at skating.

I was good but I also wasn't I would get the hang of it sometimes and then sometimes I would fall.

Laurence was the only one who would stop for me.

Garroth saw that every time Laurence stopped for me he saw that as his opportunity to get closer to Aphmau.

"C'mon" Laurence held out his hand for me.

"Thanks," I said taking his hand.

Me and Laurence began skating hand in hand.

I thought I began getting the hang of it until I fell accidentally bringing Laurence down.

"Ah!" We both sat up and looked at each other and laughed our heads off and got back up.

But the way his eyes looked was absolutely gorgeous.

This time I was the one to offer my hand to him and he took it.

"You're so clumsy" Laurence chuckled

"Hey! We all start from somewhere right?" I smiled at him.

"Yeah, and you started from the ground" we both laughed.

I was getting butterflies in my stomach but I feel like I can't be getting butterflies because that wouldn't be fair to Aphmau.

We kept on skating hand in hand. But Laurence let go of my hand and stopped at the exit of the rink.

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked

"Hm? Oh yeah I'm just hungry you don't have to come" Laurence said

"No, I'll come with you I can go for a snack right now," I said.

"Alright, then come on" he smiled at me

We carefully skated to the snack bar to get something to eat.

"Aw young love I wish that's something I could've had," a worker said looking down at our hands.

We both looked at each other and blushed and quickly let go.

We got our snacks and sat next to each other at a table to eat.

"How are you so good at skating?" I asked Laurence.

"Well I'm not that good"

"Yes, you are! You were doing so well! You only fell because I kept falling down!" I smiled at him.

"There you guys are!" Dante said.

"We were wondering where you guys were," Garroth said.

"Oh Laurence and I wanted snacks so we went to go get some," I told them.

"Well now that you guys are here do you guys want some?" Laurence smiled.

"Ooo! Yes please!" Aphmau said delightedly.

Everyone else went back onto the rink while Laurence and I stayed.

"Wanna head back to the rink?" Laurence said offering his hand to me.

"Yeah let's go," I said taking his hand.

We headed back to the rink and Laurence was trying to help me keep my balance.

"Thanks, Laurence," I said


Laurence began skating in front of me while I was still holding his hand.

I was lost in awe by Laurence. The way his hair was flowing and the way he was skating. Everything about him even the thought of him made me blush.

"Hey look at you y/n! You're not falling down!" Dante said skating by me the skating away only to fall 5 seconds later.

Laurence, me, and Travis began laughing at Dante.

Well, Dante just rolled his eyes.

I looked to see Aphmau gripping onto Garroth's arm for dear life. As for Garroth, he is laughing through the pain that's for sure.

I smiled to myself knowing that we were all able to come out tonight and enjoy ourselves with no drama and all of us being carefree from all our problems and just being able to be happy.



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