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(Sorry for putting so many Melanie pics I just love her sm 😭)

Y/n Pov:

After a couple of minutes, Aphmau texted back

Aphmau: Huh what for?

Y/n: I need to tell you something.

Aphmau: why can't you just text me like what we're doing right now?

Y/n: Because I would feel like an ass if I told over text.

Aphmau: Is it that bad?

Y/n: Depends on how you'll react when I tell you.

Aphmau: Okay then...When do you want to meet?

Y/n: Whenever you have time

Aphmau: I have time right now so do you want to meet right now?

Y/n: Yeah I'm alright with that.

I got myself ready, putting on what I need to.

I saw my mom downstairs in the kitchen "Hey mom I'm heading out if that's okay?"

She looked back at me and said, "Okay but just be back in time for dinner"
"How long do you think it will take for you to make dinner?"
"Either an hour or thirty minutes but I'll send you a text when I'm almost done okay?"
I smiled and said, "Okay mom I love you"
"Love you too dear be safe out there"

I was walking down to the park and I couldn't get rid of the heavy feeling that was stuck to me like super glue.

I don't even know how Aphmau will react. If she doesn't like me after I tell her, guilt will eat me apart.

I arrived at the park and Aphmau wasn't there. I texted her,

Y/n: Hey you almost here?

Aphmau: yeah but you never said where at the park

Y/n: Oh right! Let's meet at the middle of the park

Aphmau: Okay I'm guessing you're already there?

Y/n: Yeah

I saw Aphmau heading my way waving I turned my head avoiding myself to look at Aphmau. "Y/n hey!" "Hey," I said. "What did you want to talk about?" She said as she finally approached me.

"I mean, I didn't want to but it only feels right to" I sighed.

Aphmau's face dropped to a nervous concerned one before it turned to an immediate shocked face "You're not going to stop being friends with me right?!" "What- No! Actually... I think you might do that to me after I tell you" I said shakily.

"The thing is I...I have feelings for Laurence and I don't want it to affect our friendship but if you're mad at me hey I'll back off!" I said nervously and fast.

I was shocked at what Aphmau did next. She began laughing? "Y/n!" She laughed out. "If you think I'm going to let some boy ruin our friendship then you're wrong!"

I felt a weight of guilt leave me and I felt at peace with myself.

"Really you mean it?!" I said a smile forming on my face.

"Yes, you don't need to back down either besides I like someone else," She said rubbing the back of her head with blush on her face. I smile already knowing who.

I pulled her into a hug and said "I'm so glad we're friends Aphmau."

"Me too"



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