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Y/n Pov:

It was my first day attending a new high school with the name: Phoenix Drop High.

As of right now, I need to find my class. I kinda remember where it's at since I was shown a tour of the school with my mom and principal so I would be able to find where everything is at.


I finally found my class without a
problem. I walked into the class there weren't many people. I guess that people will probably show up after a minute or two.

More students began to come into the class. Everyone was talking and the teacher clapped his hands together to get the student's attention.

"Class as you knew we were going to have a new student and our new student is here. I want you all to make her feel welcome and show her what a great school we have." The teacher announced.

I looked at my schedule that I had gotten to see what class I need to go to next.

"Uh hey! You're the new girl right?" Some boy with brown hair and really beautiful blue eyes asked

All I could say about him is that he was handsomely attractive that's for sure.

"Yep, That's me! Why?" I asked

"Well I should introduce myself first I'm Laurence. And well I'm not sure if you had anyone to sit with at lunch so I wanted to see if you would like to sit me and my friends at lunch." He stated.

"Oh um...Sure why not?" I smiled at Laurence.

"So what class do you have next?" Laurence asked

"Math..." I groaned

"Well if it makes you feel better I have that class next too so at least we have each other." Laurence smiled at me.

"Yeah, that is true." I smiled back

Thankfully math class was over. So now it was time for lunch.

Laurence and I didn't chat a lot during math class but we did talk a bit to each other.

We walked together and joined his friends and I was introduced to them. A girl with raven hair was named Aphmau and a boy with blonde hair was named Garroth.

"We should all hang out sometime outside of school!" Aphmau said

"That doesn't sound too bad," Garroth said.

"I don't see why not," Laurence said.

"How about you y/n?" Aphmau asked me

"Well, it depends on if I'm free the day we decide to hang out," I said.

"Alright then maybe Saturday if that works for you guys," Aphmau declared.

"Yeah," Garroth and Laurence said at the same time.

We were all laughing and having a good time enjoying each other's company.

I smiled to myself and thought

I think that maybe just maybe I've found the right people that are right for me.



Cherry Blossom Tree (Laurence X F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now