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(May 2012)

   I lay on the bed, my legs dangling off the edge of it as I stared up at the white ceiling. I was playing with the charm on my bracelet while thinking about what I should do for the time being.

    I could tell that Stark was still iffy about me being his daughter, though the tests and such were all there to prove I was 100% his with no other doubt. I also had a hard time accepting the fact that I would be living the rest of my life with a man I barely even knew, a billionaire-playboy. We have only known each other for a week, mainly because I was pushing him away.
It was safe to say, I had my doubts at his parenting experience. Zero. It wasn't just that but from what I read and heard, I really did not like this man. But he was my father and the only blood family I had left. So as an eleven year old girl who just wanted a dad, I decided to accept it.

   "Amelia." He opened the door and I sat up. We looked at each other before he looked at the door. "Knocking is very important."

   I nod. "Yeah?"

   "Why haven't you unpacked yet?"

   I looked at the suitcase that sat on the floor right next to the bed. It was just one suitcase because Stark knew I didn't want to leave my safe place and I most likely wasn't going to give it up. At this point it was just my Apartment Pocket Dimension, it had been for a while.

   "You said we'd be going to Malibu soon." I told him, my fingers still playing with anything. "I didn't think I needed to."

   "Oh right." He nodded and clapped his hands together. "Change of plans. I'm not done with my work here, so, unpack and get ready to meet some S.H.I.E.L.D. agents."

   He was ready to walk out and close the door. "I don't want to meet anyone." I say which stops him.

   "Come on, it'll be fun." He looks at me. "You get to meet S.H.I.E.L.D. This is like 'Make a Wish' for you."

   I glare at him. He didn't fully know the truth about my powers or background, just knew that I've been through hell and back.

   "Right, not my trauma to make fun of." He steps into the room.

   "I'm not meeting them." I say. "I know you're new to all of this father stuff but I've been a daughter for a good five years. I have to tell you that you should want me to be safe and telling S.H.I.E.L.D. that I, an over powered, child exist. It's not the best idea."

   "That's what you want?" He asks.

   "It's what you should want too." I state.

   He pauses for a moment. "Okay. Then stay hidden." He didn't say it with malice; it was more of an, okay-that's-your-decision, kind of tone.

   I nodded but I wasn't sure if that's what I really wanted. I did want to feel safe again, having this be a new space for me and completely out of my comfort zone.

   "Want to have a cheeseburger?"

   "For lunch?"

   "Lunch. Dinner." Stark shrugs. "Breakfast.. Though it's not seen as your typical breakfast meal or healthiest option."
   I slightly tilt my head at him. "As you have stated about five times since the moment we've met, I'm new to this father thing. You didn't even give me a chance to cram some studying."

   I rolled my eyes. "Sure. I'll start unpacking. Oh and no pickles. Or mustard."

   He looks at me and to this I give him a smile. "Drink?"

   "Uh... fruit punch?"

   "All right. I'll be back in 10-20 minutes."

   When he left I picked up my suitcase and pulled the drawers open with vines, I used those same vines to put the clothes I had away. It was easier this way, plus there weren't many clothes to begin with so I unpacked rather quickly.

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