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Peter was following me in the hallways, I tried to ignore him, but he was following me like a lost puppy and wouldn't stop. I had seen him with Ned throughout the day and Ned was talking non-stop, the only time he wasn't is when Peter replied to him in what looked like harsh tones or slightly annoyed tones.
Eventually I allowed him to catch up to me, mainly because we had the same class together.

"Any word?"

I glance at him. "Parker, I'm going to need more than that."


I sit down. "Look we can talk about it later, don't you have—"

"Ned found out." I look at him. "And I'm digging myself a grave. I need Ivy Void's help."

The bell rings and he looks at me, his eyes begging for me to agree to help. "I can't. I already told you about—"

"Miss. Stark, Mr. Parker, would you like to share with the class what you two have been discussing?"

"No." We both say and start opening our books, I start writing. "Sorry Parker but I want to go to the homecoming dance."


"Here." I gave him my phone number. "If it's an emergency then I'll help you... Emergency."

"But it is important! Last night, Mr. Delmar's shop got destroyed by—"

"Mr. Parker. Last warning."

People laugh and I glare at Peter. "At lunch." I tell him.

"Gym, we have it together."

"Since when?" I asked.

"Since school started." He said like I should have known. "So?"

I look at him and nod then glance at him. I write 'Ned, doesn't know who I am right?' He looks at me confused and shakes his head.
I let out a sigh of relief, focusing on the teacher speaking.

I sat on the bleachers in the gymnasium with the class, watching the tv as a video of Captain America was playing. It made me miss the Ice Cap.
   Peter and I kept glancing at each other as Ned kept asking him questions. I could tell that he really wanted to talk to me now.

"Thank you Captain. Pretty sure this guy is a war criminal now but I have to show these videos. It's required by the state. Let's do it." The coach blew his whistle.

We all did different things, I was mainly still thinking about Peter being in this class, How did I not know? I can't be that oblivious, I'm usually good at taking notes of my surroundings.

"Mel." Peter calls as it's my turn to climb the rope. I roll my eyes. "Sit-up partners?"

I noticed people looking at us but ignored it. "Already did my set and I'm kinda busy.."

"But class is—"

"Parker." I give a tight smile. "Later."

He nods and goes over to Ned to do sit ups. I sigh and start climbing the rope. I really want to go to the dance but as a "hero" isn't it my job to help those in danger? Is Peter in danger?
I get down and look over at the group sitting down. Jade is sitting next to them cheering everyone on while eating a granola bar, I smile and walk over to her, she hands me my water bottle.

"Come on, Larry, pick up the pace!" She called, I checked my watch. "Mj is reading as always, the scrawns are running, the geeks are doing sit ups, the popular kids are rope climbing."
I nod and she looks back. "Those guys are talking about your family."

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