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   I had said my final goodbyes as the people started to leave. Since everyone was mainly gone, I decided to go and sit back on the dock, taking a breather from the event... Event.. calling it that felt wrong.

   "Hey." I looked up to see Peter. "Déjà vu, huh?"

   "I thought you already left."

   "No. Not yet."

   I smiled weakly and patted the spot next to me. "You can sit."

   He does and I lean my head on his shoulder, taking another breath. "May and I were leaving but I wanted to let you know something."

   "What's that?"

   "I... well I... I want to tell you.. I'll always be here for you, Amelia."

No you won't. "Yeah, I know, Parker."

"I'm gonna protect you." I look at him.


"No, I promise that no matter what I will be here for you and I will protect you with my life." He grabs my hand and I look at them. "I guess what I'm trying to say is.. Amelia I lo—"

"No." I stop him and force a smile onto my face. "Not now Parker... I want to... I do, but I just can't with everything that I'll be going through.. Y'know?"

He smiles softly. "Yeah. I understand. But I will still be here no matter what."

   "Me too." I nod. "Don't forget to call and text me, whenever."

   He smiles. "I will. I promise."

   "Achem." We let go of each other and look at Steve. Peter quickly gets on his feet. "I don't think we've properly met. Steve Rogers."

   "Oh, uh, Peter Parker, sir." He held out his hand and Steve took it and he tried to hold eye contact but Peter glanced away.

   "Steve, he was just leaving." I stand up and make Steve let go.

   "Hold on, I just want to tell him something." Steve tells me, looking back at Peter. "We're very protective of this kid, do you understand?"

"Steve!" I hissed, annoyed and embarrassed.

   Peter cleared his throat. "Yes, sir. But we're just friends." His eyes linger on me.

   "Yeah." I nod. "Just friends."

   "Uh-huh, okay, go." We watched him leave, waving back. I waved at him and at May.

   They got in their car and drove away so I looked at Steve.

   "He really is just a friend, Steve."

   "Sure he is." He pats my back. "I have a gift for you."

   "Funerals aren't usually meant for gift giving." I say but muster up my smile. "It's kind of inappropriate but I'm willing to accept a gift since I've missed out on five birthdays."

   "This has to do with your dad." He says and picks up the shield.

   I back away from it with disgust. "Ew, what do you want me touching that thing for?"

   Steve chuckled. "I want you to have it."


   "Because a Stark made it; a Stark should get it back." He says. "You're strong, Mel. Since you've been gone I realized you were a huge part of the Avengers. We all missed you and... Nat would agree with me that you deserve this."

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