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I got yelled at by dad over the phone in the morning, I also yelled back because he had been forcing me to babysit Peter since the beginning and now that I wanted to do it, I'm suddenly wrong for it.
We argued until I hung up on him and left for school, more than slightly irritated. I was shoving my books in my backpack, annoyed.

"Woah!" Theo grabbed my wrist and I glared at him. "What's wrong with you?"

"Tony." I grumbled and slammed my locker door. "He's so... so.. ugh what's the word?!"

"Arrogant?" He asked.

"Hypocritical?" Jade walked over handing me a coffee. "Egotistical?"

"An asshole?"

"Yes!" I nod and sigh leaning back against my locker, relaxing. "I love him, I do. He's all I have left of any blood family... I can't lose him over small things like this."

"Yeah." Jade agreed. "With your mom dead, both sets of grandparents basically murder, if Tony dies, your bloodline ends with you.. on both sides. You'd live up to that dead parents hero stereotype."

Theo and I both look at her. "Let's not talk about it." I say and sip the drink she got me. "What is this?"

"Chai latte." She smiles.

I smile back. "It's good, thanks."

"Mel!" Peter ran over. "Can you come with me?"

I glanced at Theo and Jade, they looked at him and smirked, both nodding. I wanted to tell them it wasn't like that but before I could Peter was already pulling me away.

"Parker." I stopped him. "Would you at least tell me what this is in reference to?"

"Remember those weapons those guys had last night?" I nod as he opens his backpack to show me something, I looked in as something purple glew inside. "I found it after you left."

"What is it?" I ask, looking at him.

"I was kind of hoping you would know." He says.

"How would I know?" I ask.

"I don't know? Aren't you around this stuff all the time?" I look at him and he blushes. "No, sorry.."

"Well, get it out of this and I might be able to help you." I say and he smiles brightly. "Don't get too excited, I said might."

"You have a free period this morning right?" He asks.

"Study hall, yeah." I nod.

"Come to class with me and we can attempt to open it together." He suggested and I sigh. "Thanks, Mel! You don't know how much of a help you are."

"I actually do know." I followed him as the bell rang.

We had gotten a table at the very back of the classroom, the teacher didn't really care that I was in his classroom which was not very surprising and I didn't question it as I sat down, watching Peter gather the tools he planned on using.
   His first attempt was unscrewing everything which worked for the most part but was taking too long so he started hitting it with a hammer.

   "Is that safe?" I ask.

   "Uh... maybe?" He hit it again and we both slightly jumped as he got a piece off.

   "Thanks for bailing on me." Ned walked over. "Oh, Hi Amelia."

   "Hi Ned." I smile.

   "Yeah, well, something came up." Peter looked at the thing.

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