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(May 2018)

⊹⊱≼Obviously 3RD PERSON POV≽⊰⊹

    Tony and Nebula where the only ones left of the planet when everyone disappeared. Tony sat there for a moment, clutch the watch that his daughter gave him before disappearing, him mind numb for a moment because he could alone focus on losing both Peter and Amelia.

   Nebula turned her attention away and looked around the planet leaving Tony alone for a moment, not caring about his grieving and focusing more on getting off the planet.
   It didn't take long for Tony to 'brush' it off and start helping Nebula to get a ship together to start. Given they were both intelligent, they managed to get something going and started their journey back to Earth.

   Tony and Nebula seem to get along well, they had a few things to talk about and he managed to get her to open up to him a little, at least enough to play some games with what they had on their ship. Paper football being a favorite.
   He encouraged the robotic woman in anyway he could, being able to understand her unemotional replies that gave him something. He wanted to distract himself as much as possible with everything that has happened.

   They spent their days fixing the ship to keep it moving and functioning, playing games at night, or Nebula keeping Tony's wounds from infections.
   When Tony was alone he recorded videos for Pepper, in hopes that if he didn't make it she would have something to remember him by, something that could explain what he could barely explain.

   "Why did she give you that watch?" Nebula asked Tony who was watching time tick bye.

   "Because she didn't need it."

   "You told me she was practical. I see no reason why she would give you something that is useless to you."

   "Yeah.." He looked at the watch and tapped it.

   'Activating.' IVAA's voice rang out. 'Thumbprint identification, please.'

   Tony rolls his eyes and pressed his thumb against the face of the watch. "You already know me."

   'Welcome, Anthony Stark.'


   "Yes, really." Amelia's voice answered back which quickly made Tony's heart skip a beat. "Don't get too excited, it's just a recording, bet you thought I'd leave you stranded. But, here I am in, Amelia Stark Valdez fashion, this could be a thing."
   A violet hologram of his daughter appeared standing on the face of the watch, walking over to a chair. "Anyways, you're watching this which means one of two things. We lost, Thanos got rid of half the population and you should have listened to me or we won and I've run away with the Time Stone never to be seen again."

   Tony felt a pang in his chest. "The first one." Nebula says.

   "Oh, so we lost." The recording says. "I hope you managed to find a ship and get home."

   "We have." Tony answers.

   "Good! Then I'll give you the Stark Space Survival guide." Amelia smiles which make Tony smile. "First of, I've programmed a map to locate this watch and show you the route home, ask IVAA to pull that up when you need it.
   I've also programmed the watch to take over any spacecraft, this will help you to learn about all it's flaws and what you can do to help it.
   And lastly the watch has a boost, not much since this is tiny and I could only do so much on the ride to Titan. I'm sorry."

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