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Quick A/N~
   I'm writing this for the people who didn't want to read the Ivy Void Section. (Still weird..) but also so Captain America Civil War can be upload 55 in counting. It'll be chapter 50.
   Those who have read the actual chapters to the section can skip over this. It's really long so I don't know who would want to read this over the actual story but here.

Word Count: 6925

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Chapter 1 (30)-
The Past and The Future

   Starts with a flashback of Amelia trying to escape ECHO killing two guards with her powers. Then the flashback ends and she's training with Nat on Combat, Nat brings up the distraction but Amelia brushes it aside.
   Later she is explaining why she is spending time at the Compound instead of the tower, because Tony and Pepper were on a business trip in Italy and also because Amelia and Tony had been arguing.
   Then Nat walks in, wanting to talk to Amelia who complies and they hit a touchy subject. The subject being ECHO and the Red Rooms are mentioned. Nat says somethings and then apologized and Amelia forgave her but she still was a bit upset.

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Chapter 2-
Relationships are Key

   This chapter we are introduced to Jade and Theo and it explains how they met along with giving an insight of their friendships. They also talk about the school art trip that was happening over the weekend before the winter/ holiday break and how she wants them to go with her.
   Demitri is also introduced as Amelia's very first crush and how Theo doesn't trust him because of his scars but Jade wants Amelia to go for it. Demitri talks to Amelia because their lockers are next to each other but he's a sophomore so she gets insecure about that.
   Also in this chapter, Amelia trains with the Avengers and we see more of her relationships with Sam who she accidentally hurt because of a distraction. She thought she saw someone with an ECHO logo and she attacked that person only to see that wasn't the case, now she questions herself as she's told to go home for the holidays.

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Chapter 3-
What Makes a Family

   Amelia returns to the Christmas decorated tower after apologizing and spending some time with Sam. She was scared by Tony and the two had a small conversation, apologizing to each other about her leaving and then he brought up the incident that happened at the compound and both welcomed each other back.
   Tony had made dinner and Pepper had joined them, as they ate Amelia asked about their business trip and Pepper asked her about volleyball tryouts. Amelia had told her she didn't make it because she was too aggressive, accidentally hitting the principal during tryouts.
   They also talked about her current distractions that Amelia didn't want to talk about so Pepper tried changing the subject and Amelia's 15th birthday came up but she also didn't want to talk about that so excused herself.
   Later that night she spoke with Quinn and they talked about how out of place she felt with her family and how they weren't really her family. Quinn tried to encourage Amelia to have a Quincenera but she didn't feel like she deserved one because of how whitewash she felt.
   They also talked about ECHO and how nothing was coming up so the teen shouldn't worry about it.

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Chapter 4-
First School Trip

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