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   We had been walking in silence, I remembered what was behind every door I basically had too, it was the only way I could escape, before I knew the door was hidden.
I knew the Block like the back of my hand. That's what it was called, it was where I lived for three years of my life which left me no choice but to learn.

I stopped when we got to my room. I walked in and turned on the lights, it lit up the room like the sun, something I helped create, actually it was the first thing I helped create which only showed Elliot and ECHO how smart I really was.

The room was layered with dust, one of the walls was scattered with drawings and paintings, dead vines scaling the same wall. I was going to revive them but stopped myself. In the closest corner sat a box of unopened toys and gifts, in another corner was a desk where I used to do work and projects, next to that was a few bookshelves, crammed with books.
   In the top left corner sat my small bed, the sheets a bit of a mess because I would teleport here whenever I was scared or when rapid teleporting, though it had been a while since an incident like that happened.

   As I looked around the room, I thought about how nice it would have been if under other circumstances. Anyone who didn't know what happened in this room would have also thought it was nice, like the kid residing in it was happily spoiled.
   I could hear faint cries and whimpering, the screamed I let out when I knew it was an injection day. The hits I took because I wouldn't submit to their orders so easily, the bruises I endured from trying to bang on the door to be let out.

   Looking back at the bed I remember curling up on it in excruciating pain, pain a child shouldn't have to endure or deal with.

   "Amelia," Quinn's voice pulled me from my thoughts. "Are you okay? We can go—"

   "I'm fine." I say and leave the room.

   We walked down a few more halls, I was looking through the opened doors, most which just led down different halls. I finally stopped when I came across the giant room.

"This is where I was forced to train, fight." I say.

I look at the scratches from thorns on the wall, the blood that stained them and the cracks from blasts. I walked through, memories of fights going on as I walked, they formed illusions and Quinn watched.

"They wanted an army." She says.

• • • ••Flashback• • • • • 

I kicked the guy with my heel in the nerve points of the thigh, blasting him in the face which broke his nose. I was almost hit with a few knives but put up a force field then teleported behind them stabbing them in the safest places. I huffed, my body shaking because this fight had been going on for five hours straight.
A woman grabbed me and I wasn't able to get out, she punched me in the jaw which caused me to fall back. I dodged her next punch by rolling away, trying to get up and run but she grabbed my hair and pulled me back, locking me in the chair.

I cried more to myself, the pain still not really setting in, the taste of sweat, tears, and blood filled my mouth.

"Let me try again! Please!" I cried. "I can do better! Please!"

A loud smack rang throughout the room and it fell silent. I looked at the floor, the tears stopped and I sighed.


"Better than your best guys." I mumbled and looked at him.

"You're older now, so act like it. You're going's to be ten soon." Harris spoke and I teleported out of the chair. "I think you're ready."

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