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   We walked over to Quinn who was looking through binoculars at all the windows she could look through. I asked her about the kid situation and she thought about it, making a few suggestions that weren't too bad but also not the best. They were good considering Demitri and I couldn't come up with anything logical.
   We were still talking as it started to snow, this made her smile for a few minutes before she pulled the binoculars from her eyes and sighed.

   "Snow." She scoffs and then smiles at me. "It's pretty tonight."

   I smile. "Yeah."

   She focused her attention back to the window and pointed out to me that she thinks it's Elliot's office. I took a look, it clearly was an office but one of many especially on that top floor. I looked over to Demitri who nodded, confirming it.

   "Wish me luck."

   I teleported into the office and did a quick scan of the room before slowly moving over to the desk. Quinn and Demitri were still waiting outside watching. I stuck a hard drive into his computer and looked around the drawers as it downloaded the files or anything that was on the computer.
   As I looked at the desk I saw the pictures of Elliot with the kids that I had been fighting. They all looked happy around a Christmas tree, opening presents. There was another small frame of me, I was opening a present my first in a long time and I genuinely looked happy and I remembered I was. I continued to look around to see all the other pictures he had of me, like a proud father and that made me feel something.

   "Amelia, get out." Theo says.

   "Someone's coming." Quinn added.

   I looked at the download to see it was 50% complete. It was slowing down as the door opened and there he stood.

   "Amelia, you actually came." Elliot says, looking surprised.

   "You wanted me to, right?" I asked just then a bullet grazed his arm and an alarm rang out as the windows were barricaded.

   "You brought Miss Nafe." He grabs the arm that had been hurt. "You're tall. Oh, happy birthday by the way. 15, you've grown so much—"

   "I'm not here to talk." I was slightly confused why he was making this such a casual conversation.

   "Oh? Here to fight?" He walked over and I stepped back out of instinct.

   "What do you want with me?"

   "I want you to come back." He lights up brightly. "Amelia, you were perfect. You were intelligent, skilled, durable, and your body could take all those serum injections!"

   "I almost died."

   "But you didn't!" He smiles. "I have a few more powers I want to give you. I want you to help me create safe injections so we have less... casualties."

   I tried to hit him but he dodged the hit and laughed. "Why? Why us? Kids."

   "You know why."

   "I know, yeah. No one suspects children... but that was never the big picture."

   "Did they kill them?" I looked at him and he smiled. "They don't kill children especially ones that have been tortured through their entire lives. How can they? The Avengers; World's l have morals."
   We heard gunshots from just outside the office and a few screams. "I want to create an army. I mean, let's face it, the Avenger will eventually fall and then who will be Earth's mightiest heroes? Do we really want to just rely on one single team?"

   "You're creating monsters."

   "Assasins. Not monsters." He corrected me. "You don't see yourself as a monster do you?"

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