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   I dodged knives that were getting thrown at me and blocked them off with force fields, glancing up at Tony who was watching. Since I've been back for a while I had to watch them go on missions, I'd begged Tony to let me join them in a few because I knew it would be faster but he was against it.
   After weeks of begging he finally said he wanted to see me actually fight before throwing me into a dangerous mission then he would make an official decision.

   I teleported behind Steve and took his shield away with vines, wrapping it up so he wasn't able to get it.

   "Hey!" He looked at me.

   "What? I've seen you fight without your shield." I smile.

"I'm not gonna hit a kid."

"Fine. I didn't plan on hitting an old man either." He looked up at Tony and who shrugged as he watched, unimpressed.
I rolled my eyes because he was supposed to stay out of this part. I shook off the annoyed feelings and looked at Steve. "Do you think I'm good enough for the team?"


"Then hit me."


"Hit me."

"No, I'm not gonna hit you."

I rolled my eyes, teleporting away again. I watched as Nat was coming, it wasn't long before she threw the first punch that I had dodged. It wasn't so hard since she was going somewhat easy on me and well, I was shorter which made dodging fairly easy. I had to admit, fighting her was harder than the others since she was the one who taught me most of the moves and knew exactly how to counter them.

I finally landed a solid punch on her jaw, knocking her down. "That's new."

"Sorry?" I apologized, slightly shaking my hand at the pain.

She smiled and quickly got up. I wrapped her in vines and that seemed to hold her so I was through with her for a while.

Thor tried to hit me with his hammer but I dodged, he laughed at how quick I was. I tried to also tie him up but he ripped out of the vines easily, and since he actually wasn't holding back I had to think fast. I opened a portal and used vines from that planet to pull him in, struggling as he tried hitting me with lightning but I quickly used Steve's shield to block it.
I obviously wasn't strong enough as the pressure pushed me onto my back, struggling to hold it up.

   "A la verga." I huffed as a smile tugged at my lips at the exhilaration.

I rolled out of the way as soon as the lightning stopped, teleporting over next to Steve who smiled proudly. I held out my fist and he rolled his eyes, giving me a fist bump.
   He tried to take the shield but I teleported away.

   "I'm pretty good." I smirked.

I turned my attention back to Thor as he swung his hammer getting ready to take another swing but I blasted him through a portal.

"Wait there for like five minutes!" The portal closed.

I teleported when one of Clint's arrows was coming towards me, I blocked it with a force field and blasted him away, trapping him in a force field dome. He was fairly easy since it was close distance, so I turned back to Steve who had been talking about a plan with Nat.

"Okay, fine." Steve says.

"No, I'm bored now." I joke but wrap him in a vine. "Maybe next time."

   I turned and bowed to Tony. "Ta-da."

I dropped Nat and Steve, freeing Clint too. I also Thor back with a nudge. I held onto Steve's shield, looking into it with a smile before I gave it back to him.

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