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   I went to a new planet and used my force field against the attackers, the wall method and following to put up covers on certain things. I blasted things out of the air and teleported to multiple places to fight aliens and such. I also fought the soldiers, dodging their sharp hits and breaking the evil glass aliens.
That's what this was, sort of. I knew the Avengers would go easy on me, so I set something up for myself, helping to fight a war on another planet with aliens I knew wouldn't hold back and they really weren't.

   This was the first time I had ever worn my own "hero" suit, it was skin tight under the large and baggy parts. I wore a hood that covered most of my hair and visor that hid the real color of my eyes, making them look purple but they did glow purple when I used my powers.
Over all the suit was good for hiding my identity, and my mask covered the rest of my face, hiding the freckles.
The boots had two inch heels to add to my height only being 5'1, still hoping I would grow taller.

I finished and put everything down when they surrendered, making sure some of the others were okay.

   "Thanks Morkrip!" I smiled and teleported. "And just to clarify with the audience, you in fact did not go easy or hold back?"

   The light blue glass alien nodded. "My soldiers never hold back during battle." He spoke into the microphone.

   "Okay, I have to go." I nod as the camera goes through the portal first and I quickly followed. "See if I can fight on another planet... outside of our solar systems then I can fight on earth."

   I closed the portal behind me.

   "How... When?-" Banner was still pointing at where the projector sat.

   "Uh." I pull off the hood and mask and visor. "I was portal bouncing while I was skipping class and met them. They're Glassariks from the planet Resmin in a solar system I call—"
   I shake my head. "Not the point, please focus on the agenda." I look at Tony. "Two weeks ago you said I wasn't ready but now I really think I am."

   "When did you make the suit?" Steve asked.

   I opened a protein bar. "People, focus on the main agenda." I took a bite of it and replayed the live feed. "Now, I know I'm still a little rusty and could use some practice but I'm great. Fury only had me here using my powers when he could view them. After that whole mess, I couldn't do much but fight with Steve and Nat. Great teachers by the way but if I could train with my powers I'd be your best asset."
   I swallow the food. "You don't even have to put me in the actual fighting. I just want the people to be safe and not affected by the damage you'll undoubtedly cause."

   "She has a point." Nat agreed. "She got hit a lot but dodged more than 65% of those possible hits. Amelia can fight and with her illusions she can be a diversion."

   "The young girl is very strong with a heart of gold." Thor spoke. "Isn't that the number one quality we want for an Avenger?"

"Maybe it should be that they aren't a kid." Clint says. "But she is right, we really need to minimize damage to cities."

   "Tony, you're the only one who hasn't said a thing." I take another bite and teleport next to him. "You said I was too weak before, 3 minutes and 15 seconds, today I lasted... IVAA how long did I last?"

   '25 minutes and 30 seconds with an estimated 25% power left.'

   "25 minutes." I teleported down. "And that was also while I moved."

   "I'll think about it." He got up.

   "No." I blasted the door close. "Tony, everyone but you thinks I'm good enough."

   "Bruce hasn't said he wants a child on the team." Tony replied.

   I looked at Banner. "You agree with Tony?"

"Well.. I.. Uh.. I.. just think you should focus on school and your own childhood." Banner stummered. "You know, enjoy what you can before you're thrown—"

   "你在开玩笑, 对吗?" I crossed my arms and teleported to the front again. "Non vedi che ho lavorato duramente per questo? Ho pensato anche a tutto ciò di cui avevo bisogno.
   Esto no es un sueño tonto. Quiero mantener a las personas seguras en sus propias casas. Quiero que las familias permanezcan juntas como deben ser!"

   "What did she say?" Steve, Banner, and Thor asked.

   'You're joking, right? Can't you see that I worked hard for this? I've thought about everything I've needed to. This is not a silly dream. I want to keep people safe in their own homes. I want families to stay together as they should be.'

   They all looked at me and then at Tony. I teleported to the front of the door, walking backwards while he walked forward.

   "I can take care of myself." I say. "I did it for five years before I met you! Four of those years were in the middle of nowhere getting tortured to use these stupid powers that they gave me!" We both stopped in the hall.


   He tried to touch me but I slapped his hand away, my eyes widened and I stepped back. "Sorry." I clear my throat and walk away.

   I had showered and changed into a long sleeved knitted sweatshirt and shorts. I was now laying in bed, writing in my journal about the battle and everything.

{knock knock}

   "Come in." I say and close my journal, tossing it in my portal. I sit on my bed, grabbing one of my pillows and see that it's Tony. "I'm really sorry about hitting you, I... I don't know—"

   "You do know, that's why you're apologizing." He brought the chair over and sat in front of me. "I can take a little slap, Sprout."

   I look at him. "Doesn't make it right."

   "Hey, you have problems." He shrugged. "Get over it. Now, let's talk; missions."

   "Are you sure?" I asked.

   "Look, the bottom line is I'm your father." He spoke. "I can't change that and ... you can't really change that even if you wanted to.
   I know you don't want to believe it but... this is cheesy. I do care about you and I personally want my child to be alive for as long as possible."

   "Can you not? I know you're my dad but.. watching who you were, why you do things... it doesn't feel genuine." I told him. "But maybe try again in a year when we actually spend time together."

   "Fine." He holds up his hologram phone. "Tomorrow's mission and how you'll be helping us.
This doesn't officially make you an Avenger so if you mess up it won't be on us or me because no one will know who you are and I won't claim you."

   I smiled. "Sounds like you."

"You'll be new and on your own."

"Kind of rogue? I'm perfectly fine with that."

   "You're not an Avenger." He looks at me, I tried not to say anything. "Amelia, you're not an Avenger."

   I roll my eyes. "I'm not an Avenger."

Not officially yet.

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