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   It was a building that had fallen, more like collapsed completely, creating a mess of debris and dust fresh in the air. I slightly began to panic as I couldn't see Peter but I was right where the keychain was supposed to be.

   "Peter?!" I yelled and looked under a pile of debris just hoping he was okay.

I heard crumbling and looked around, watching as Peter lifted the concrete off his body and got up. I sighed with relief.


   "Wh-What are you doing?! You're supposed to be at the dance!" His voice cracked.

"You were in danger!" I yelled back.

"Stay here!"

   He ran and jumped, shooting a web and grabbing onto the vulture. I send a camera up and watch them, I see he was inside while Peter was still out, trying to do his part as the hero.

   "You can do this, Amelia." I told myself and teleported inside.

   I sat in the cockpit, it was already hacked into and I didn't want to touch it in case it would alert him that someone else was here with him. I glanced back to see Liz's dad looking through the crates and everything that was stored on this stupid jet. I stayed silent hoping that Spider-Man would get his attention and he did, making the Vulture fly out of the jet. I smirked and turned on the exterior cameras to watch them.
   I also went back to close all the crates, opening a portal and using vines to send them all through, sending them to the new Avengers compound. I hold on as the jet rocks and see that they're practically destroying it, losing two engines and then the third one.

   I had almost finished but stopped when I heard the scraping on the roof. I looked behind me to see we were going straight into buildings.

   "Void!" Parker called as a warning.

   "I know!" I called and teleported to the front of the jet. "You're gonna have to hold on tight, Bug Boy."

   I sat down and grabbed the steering handles, turning the jet and had successfully avoided the buildings. I ran to the back and grabbed the box that Liz's dad was trying to take. I knew that if he took just one, he would be set for life and who knows what other evil monstrosities he would create with so much power.

   "I don't remember you owning this!" I said through clenched teeth.

   "The heroine comes to save the kid, why am I not surprised." He said through gritted teeth.

   Then we hit something and the plane started turning, we crashed and I could smell the smoke. I was wishing to see what was happening on the outside.
   I had been thrown against the walls and floors, everything else also being thrown out of their crates which only meant things hit me. I tried to put up a force field around me but ended up failing miserably due to the distractions of getting thrown around like a rag doll.
   Finally the jet stopped, I laid pinned under a crate of items, still inside what was left of the jet. I huffed, very much in pain, my eyes welled up with tears from the smoke and heat. I'm so gonna be killed for this. I thought to myself as I tried to think away from the pain.

   I struggled to move but from my spot I could see the trail of flames, the trail of items, and a trail of metal scraps that came from the destroyed jet. I could see we were in a sandy area and that meant the ocean was very close by.
   I paused for a second before pushing myself to focus on teleporting. Nothing. I gripped the sand in between my fingers and silently cried in pain, happy that it had overpowered the ringing that came from my ears. I teleported from beneath the crate, barely making it out, sitting against it. I let my head fall back as I swallowed trying to moisturize my mouth that was dry due to the smoke. It wasn't much help because all I could taste was blood. I turned on my air tank and was glad I had my visors.
   I finally opened my eyes again and pushed myself to stand up, my body ached with pain, feeling like my legs would crumble beneath me but I looked around and stopped when I saw him.

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