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I sat in the car, it was a few days after everything. Everyone had finally gone home to their families or wherever they wanted to go with their friends or alone.
Some people stayed at the Compound, not really sure why since it was a complete disaster and honestly held the worst memories imaginable, for me at least.

   I was looking over all the pictures of dad and I, on my phone while Pepper was driving us home. I had the watch that I gave to dad, playing with it as I wondered if he ever watched what I put on it.
I assumed he did since he went on five years with his life which was nice that he finally listened to me for once.

   I looked out the window as we got into the wooded area, passing multiple trees and lots of grass. It was nice and relaxing for a moment.

"She's four?" I asked.

"Yeah." Pepper smiled. "Almost five. I know she doesn't know you all that well but she already loves you and I'm sure you'll love her too."
I look at her. "I mean I hope you do. I don't want to force you to love her, you could let me know if you need space from her—"

"Pepper!" I stop her and smile. "I'm sure I'll love her."

She smiles weakly but nods. "Still, let me know, all right?"

"Okay, I will." I assured her enough, though I wasn't so sure, myself. "I still can't wrap my head around any of this. I mean it feels like I just closed my eyes and I was back."

We pulled up to a cabin that dad and Pepper had bought. I remember dad would talk about it over dinner, most nights; talking about living the simple life, away from most immediate danger. I never wanted to move from the city, because that's where all my friends lived, that's where I grew up for most of my life. I fought dad and Pepper about it but at one point I said yes because I wanted a real garden and had started to see it from Dad's point of view.
   I always thought a cabin would be nice, living like Clint. I had started to look up to dad when he finally wanted to settle and keep us safe.

I got out of the car, looking up at the cabin, taking every part of it in. I saw Happy sitting on the couch with a little girl, who I assumed could only be Morgan.
   I looked away from her, back to Happy as he walked over.

"How ya doing, kid?" He asked as I walked up, he opened his arms to me.

"Do I have to be honest?" I ask as I hugged him.


"Definitely." I nod still hugging him tightly.

"Mommy!" We looked at the girl.

I looked at Pepper as she picked Morgan up, holding her tightly. I felt my heartbreak and my throat closed, she whispered something to Morgan and the girl looked over at me, a small smile on her face. I smile back.

"Meli!" She smiled.

"Hi." I giggled as more tears filled my eyes but I was still smiling. "You actually know me."

"Yeah." She nodded and came over to hug me. Her arms wrapped around me, I looked at Pepper who nodded with a smile, tears in her own eyes.

I got on my knees and hugged Morgan, I bit back a sob and just hugged her tightly.


"Sorry!" I loosened my grip. "I'm just really happy to meet you."

"Me too."

"Come on, girls, let's go inside." Pepper said and I let go of Morgan.

Morgan followed hand in hand with Pepper, Happy waited for me and I followed but I hesitated at the door, looking around at the house. I was trying to process it, knowing that it was going to be different from the city.
That's what scared me but I was also excited, my nerves holding me back because this was how dad left it and he wasn't here to show me around.

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