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We got on the Quinjet and put it in stealth mode so no one would be able to find us, specifically Ultron since he was the one who wanted us dead.

   Eventually we made it to some kind of Salvation Yard on the African Coast. They had boats and ships of material, we specifically found the one we were looking for.

They made a plan but I was told to stay on the jet with Banner. I didn't want to argue with Tony, still mad, from his actions that led us to this point. And I also took whatever was given to me.
   I did send out tiny cams to watch everything that was happening in the ship. They were talking to Ultron and the Maximoff twins before the actual fight broke out.

   "I thought your dad told you not to watch or use the internet or anything electronic." Banner looked over at me.

   "Cute, you'd think I'd actually listen." I say sipping a pouch of electrolyte juice. "Plus these aren't from Earth, nor do they use the internet but they do work similarly..."
   He looked at me and I smiled. "They're like mini portals, the material around the camera is called atomyst, made of tiny atom-like bases that I constructed just to be able to use it as a moving camera."

   "Interesting, and is those two portals can transfer stuff?"

   "Yep, which is why I have a screen over them."

   "I think you're the smartest teenager I've ever meant." He points out and I sigh.

   "I am. Beyond Earth knowledge."

   I stand up watching the cameras, Wanda going up to everyone and using her mind control on them. "They're all being manipulated."

   "Are you going to go?" He asked then pushed a button to ask them. "Is this considered code green?"

   "I can't leave you." I say and look out the jet. "You'd go crazy if those guys messed with your brain... well, he'd go crazy."
   I put a force field up. "See now they can't get in and you can't get out. Ta-Da. But if you do wig out, I'm supposed to just let you go."

  "Can't you keep this up?"

   "No, I don't need to fight the big guy to know I'll get killed." I smirked. "Don't worry Doc, we're safe in here."

   That didn't ease up his tension as he looked out, probably hoping to see anything. I also looked out and narrow my eyes at the slight change in the grass.

"Get back in the jet and whatever happens don't let the girl get to you." I tell Banner and teleport out of the force field, standing on top of it.

   "Stop the fast one, right Clint?" I asked.

"If you can."

I shot a vine out and caught the boy with it. I smirked. "A little slow, aren't you?"

I grabbed Wanda as she was about to use her mind trick on me. "Trust me, you don't want to do that."

"You are Stark's daughter."

"Ew." I say and laugh. "Sorry, that still leaves a bitter feeling. You know about feelings right? Or did HYDRA rip that away from you?"
I look up. "I got the twins and Banner is still safely in the jet."

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