Rule #6

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Don't Rely on the Government

Don't rely on your government. I wouldn't be surprised if whatever this shit is was caused by the government. Probably had scientists playing around in a lab somewhere and they made some new virus that went horribly wrong. But also take a look around us. The government fell and they fell fast. They couldn't control this and now they're dead. The dead are roaming around. There are more of them than there are of us. The government no longer cares about us if they are still out there somewhere. They're more worried about themselves. The president is in some bunker deep underground under a mountain with years worth of supplies. Too bad for them that they'll never see the inside of the white house again.

We are made to believe that we can trust the government. Trust the military. Trust your local police officer. That one makes me laugh. I have stories I could tell you. Sure you get some nice people that appreciate what you do but then you have the not so nice people. And I don't blame the military; those guys were only following orders. But in the end everyone, no matter who they are or what they do for a living or what they believe in, will always think about themselves and the ones they love the most. So don't expect people will just help you. Just because someone is in a uniform doesn't mean they're going to help you and keep you safe. There are no laws anymore.

After the CDC blew up we all got into our respectful vehicle and got as far away from there as we possibly could. We had made the decision to go stay at the retirement home certain that G wouldn't mind. But when we got there everyone was dead and the place was trashed. Just in the short fews days everything and everyone was gone. We still went in though. We had the dead on our trail. We stayed there for the night then the next morning we decided it was better if we had less cars.

Daryl took Merle's bike off the back of his truck and we siphoned the gas out of it. We also siphoned the gas out of the van T-Dog had when he helped people from his church get out, Jacqui was one of them. We put the gas in the RV and found a few other cars to siphon gas from for Carol's Cherokee. Merle's bike had a full tank so that would be fine.

"Mind if I ride with you?" I asked Daryl. He was taking what he could into the bags on the bike. He looked up at me, "ya don't want to ride in the RV?" He asked. I looked behind me at the RV before looking back at him. "God, no. It's going to be fucking packed in there. T, Andrea, Shane, Glenn, and Dale. No thank you. Andrea is pissed at Dale for making her leave the CDC and Shane... well I don't want to be near Shane," I said. Daryl chuckled and nodded, "get on." I swung my leg over the seat and moved back so he could get on. Then we were heading out of the city and pulling onto the highway.

We had to slow down the further we got. The highway became packed with cars. Daryl pulled ahead and slowly weaved in and out of the cars. We were trying to find a path that the RV and Cherokee could drive through. When Daryl spotted one he turned around and pulled up to Dale's window. "Find a way through?" He asked. Daryl nodded, turned around again and rode ahead. Dale started to follow but then the RV broke down and smoke started coming out of it. Daryl stopped and we got off.

Everyone in the RV got out, Rick stopped the car and everyone with him got out. "I said it. Didn't I say it? Thousand times. Dead in the water," Dale said. "Problem, Dale?" Shane asked, coming up beside him. "Just a small matter of being stuck in the middle of nowhere with no hope of... Okay, that was dumb," he said, looking around. "If you can't find a radiator hose here..." Shane started.

"There's a whole bunch of stuff we can find," Daryl interrupted, going through the hatch of a car. "I can siphon more fuel from these cars for a start," T-Dog said. "Maybe some water," Carol suggests, with Glenn suggesting food. "This is a graveyard" I turned to look at Lori and rolled my eyes. She looked up at Rick, "I don't know how I feel about this," she told him. "No one is coming back for it. We can't just go to a grocery store or a mall anymore. So get over it," I said and started walking down the road. "Come on, y'all. Just look around, gather what you can," I heard Shane say.

I walked further down the road away from everybody else. Lori always pissed me off or just annoyed me. She always had something to complain about and was always arguing with Rick before the outbreak. She wasn't that bad when they first got together but as the years went on she got worse. There had been a few times me and her got into it. She even banned me from their house once because I called her out on something that I can't even remember what it was. Definitely something petty or stupid.

And look, I've always tried to give her a chance and be civil with her for not only Rick's sake but Carl's as well. We just didn't get along as well as Rick would have liked us too. I mean Rick and I like I said didn't always get along growing up but we're siblings. Rick is ten years older than I am and Lori is nine. They met while in high school when Rick and Shane were seniors. Shane dated a girl that Lori was friends with and Shane convinced Rick to go on a double date. Rick and Lori started dating shortly after that. I was just a dumb kid back then.

As I was looking through cars for anything we could use, like clothes, food, batteries and whatnot a hand wrapped around my mouth and someone was whispering in my ear. "Shh. Walkers are coming. A big hoard of them we need to hide." I turned around to see Daryl telling me to follow him. As we were about to get under a couple cars we say T-Dog, holding his arms, and trying to get away from a walker. Daryl told me to get under the car and he went to help T. When the hoard finally passed and we got T-dog back to the RV we learned that Sophia was chased into the woods by a couple walkers and Rick had gone after her.

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