Rule #44

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Play Your Part

When you need to, to survive and get out of something, just play your part. No matter what kind of part it is. That's what I had to do after Negan killed Abraham and then Glenn. I watched in horror as Glenn looked towards Maggie, one eye almost completely popped out of its socket. Then Negan hit him over and over again with his stupid bat covered in barbed wire.

I was looking at Daryl since Negan took Rick and fucked off somewhere in the RV. I knew he was feeling guilty. I knew he was thinking Maggie hated him. It shocked me but at the same time didn't when he got up and punched Negan. I wanted to go over to him and comfort him. But we all had guns pointed at us and if any of us went to run we would be shot.

Eventually Negan came back, dragging Rick out of the RV. Then he tried to tell him to cut off Carl's arm! After Rick told him he understood what he had told him, which was he would be taking half our shit and we would be finding him more shit. "What's his name?" He asked someone, pointing to Daryl. "Uh…Daryl," the man told him. "Daryl, that actually sounds right. We're taking him with us."

"No!" Well that was stupid now wasn't it. I was on my feet now and Negan slowly turned around. The smile that grew on his face as his eyes trailed down my body and back up. "Holy shit! You are hot as fuck!" My face scrunched up in disgust. Okay, look, I'm not going to pretend the man isn't attractive because he is. But I don't want him, I want Daryl and if that means giving myself up to save him, then I will.

"Take me instead." Daryl's head snapped up and he looked at me, but I looked right at Negan. Negan ran the tip of his tongue over his bottom lip and walked closer to me. "Well, Shit, how did I not notice you sooner." He paused and looked at me for a few minutes, a smile creeping on his face. I couldn't help but glare at him. "You've got to be fucking kidding me!" He turned and looked at Rick and then back at me.

"Another one. I'm going to play it safe and say you're Rick the prick's sister. You got that same stink eye he keeps giving me." He smiled at me then turned to Rick who was looking at me, begging me with his not to do this. "Stick him in the truck. She's coming with me!" Negan grabbed my upper arm and started to drag me towards a different truck than the one they were putting Daryl in. "Wait! I said to take me instead. That means you leave Daryl alone!"

Negan shoved me into the truck, making me slide over so he could get in. "I never made that deal." He slammed the door shut and followed the two trucks in front of us. I turned to see the rest of my family still on the ground where they were. I was doing this for Daryl and for them. It was silent the whole way back to "The Sanctuary". I refused to talk to Negan.

When we got back I was taken to a room and locked in. I don't know where they took Daryl or what they were going to do to him. Time passed and I was getting more and more restless. I was pacing back and forth, my eyes looking to the door every once and a while waiting for it to open. Then it did and a guy walked in telling me to follow him. I was reluctant for a minute but followed him anyway.

He led me upstairs and down a hall, the guy who held Daryl's own crossbow to his head was standing there outside the door. Seconds later a man with a mustache showed up with Negan at his side. They stopped and the guy who brought me up here left. I backed up a little not wanting to be too close to them and the one standing near the door grabbed my arm. I pulled out of his grip and pointed at him.

"Look here you Freddy Kruger wannabe don't fucking touch me. It's bad enough that you have the audacity to be out here in public lookin' like a fucking burnt puckered asshole! Next time I will break your fucking jaw." Negan and the mustache man busted out laughing. "Holy shit, sweetheart, you just got even more sexy!" Negan laughed.

I noticed how the mustache man was looking at me. "And you Mr. Pornstache, stop looking at me. The seventies called, they want it back. Fucking creep mother fucker." I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at the three of them. Negan eventually stopped laughing and nodded at the burnt one. "Dwight, take her in the room for me."

The guy looked at him and then back at me. He hesitated for a second but went to reach for me again. This time I grabbed his forearm, twisted it behind his back, kicked the back of his knee so he fell to the floor. Once I had him in his stomach I pulled my handcuffs out and clicked it around his wrist and brought his other arm back to do the same. "I told you not to touch me!" I looked over at Negan, "where is Daryl?"

"Well, shit. You wanna tell me why you have handcuffs?" He asked. I raised an eyebrow and glared at him. "Don't look at me like your prick of a brother. Now unruffled him and get in that room! Or you won't know anything." I huffed out a sigh, reached into my pocket and took the handcuff key out of my pocket. After I unruffled him and put the key in my pocket and the cuffs in my pouch on my belt Negan led me into the room. His room by the looks of it. He closed the door and it was just the two of us.

He poured himself a glass of whiskey and sat down on the couch. "You wanna explain to me why you have cuffs and why my men didn't take them?" He asked. I stood near the door and he pointed to the couch across from him. Figuring I may as well cooperate with him I sat down. "Well, starters it's not my problem, your men are stupid and don't know how to search someone. I also have a knife in my boot."

He crossed his foot over his knee and leaned back. "And you know how to search someone properly?" He asked. "I was a cop so yeah. Does that answer your question why I have handcuffs? Now tell me where Daryl is!" He chuckled, leaned forwards, placing his elbows on his knees now and looked at me. "We're gonna have fun."

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