Rule #34

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Don't Be Picky

You can't really be picky in a world like this. Whether it be what you're going towar or where you're going to sleep. There isn't much in this world. If you didn't like beans in the old world you better get over it because sometimes that's all there is to eat. Just like when we had to eat that dog meat. It was that or starve to death. Daryl ate a fucking worm like it was nothing. We've had to sleep outside in the middle of the winter. Now we're on our way to some community.

While we were out in the heat walking for miles we were followed by more than walkers. The water we had found in the middle of the road was left by a man named Aaron and his partner Eric. They were from a community named Alexandria. Aaron even had pictures to show us that the place was real. He had food for Judith, homemade applesauce. When we made sure he wasn't lying about the RV or his partner we were able to convince Rick not to kill him. We were all tired of being out here in the open.

Of course Rick wanted to the long fucking way and had gotten caught on walker roadway. Aaron's partner, Eric, had been hurt, a twisted ankle. Rick still didn't trust either of them. But when we got to the gates of Alexandria and was later in… well, it made us all speechless. It's like a small piece of the old world was untouched by the outbreak. People walked around with no weapons and lived in houses. We had to give our guns up, were told they would be in their amory and we could sign them out. We were allowed to keep our knives at least. Daryl kept his crossbow and Michonne kept her katana.

The leader, Deanna, questioned each of us. I was sat in front of her right now in her living room, her fucking living room! "So, you're Rick's sister?" She asked. I stopped looking around the room to look at her and nodded. "And what did you do before, in the old world I mean?" She asked. I looked at the camera behind her and back at her. "I was a cop," I said. She looked at me with a smile. "Both of you worked together?" Again I nodded. "What about you and Daryl? Are you two a couple?" She asked. I raised an eyebrow at her.

If I was being honest I didn't know what Daryl and I were. We never really talked about it or put a label on it. We've only kissed a couple times and that was when we were at the prison. "Why is that any of your business?" I asked. She put her hands up, "just a question. You two seem close, that's all." After she was finished questioning all of us she showed us the two houses that would be ours. Of course we decided to stay in only one house together. We all slept in the living room.

Deanna had given each of us jobs. And of course me and Rick were constables along with Michonne. Everyone had a shower, brushed their teeth, and changed into fresh clothes. Well, everyone except for Daryl. Carol had started playing the role of innocent housewife. Acting like she didn't really know what she was doing. It was fucking weird. This place was fucking weird. You just tell that nobody knows how to handle walkers. I mean Aaron and Eric know how to because they go outside the walls. But nobody else does.

I could see Daryl was extremely uncomfortable being inside the walls. He was itching to get out. I was fusing with the jacket Rick, Michonne, and I were given to wear while on duty. I don't know what the fuck I was supposed to do besides walk around this fucking place. A constable was a whole different thing than a fucking cop. At least when I was a cop I had a fucking gun. Now I'm just a peacemaker.

When I walked outside I saw Daryl sitting on the banister on the porch. "I see you still haven't showered," I said. I was still fusing with the jacket. I had put on a pair of clean jeans and a plain black tank top. "What the hell are you supposed to be?" He asked, looking me up and down. I took the jacket off and threw it over the railing. "Alexandria Constable. I hate it," I said. "So are you going to get s shower?" I asked.

Before he could say anything Carol came walking out. Me and Daryl looked at her with raised eyebrows. "Who the fuck are you and what have you don't with Carol?" I joked. She rolled her eyes and walked down the steps. "If he doesn't shower I'm going to hose him down!" She called, walking down the street. I laughed and Daryl rolled his eyes. "You look ridiculous!" He called. This place was fucking doomed. I grabbed the jacket and put it back on.

"Well, I better go do my rounds of walking around. Gotta protect the people who probably haven't even seen a fucking walker since this shit has happened," I said. Daryl grunted, not looking up from cleaning his crossbow. I walked over to him so I was standing right beside him. "You know we could always shower together," I said. He choked a little on air and looked at me with wide eyes, a pink blush spreading across his cheeks. I winked at him and he pushed me a little. "Stop." I chuckled, "think about it." I kissed his cheek and walked off the porch. "See you later, pokie," I said. I heard him groan in announce of the nickname Carol had given him at the prison.

I walked around until I found Rick and Michonne. Making my way towards them I was stopped by someone. "Hello. You must be yn, you came in with the new group. I nodded at the guy. "I'm Spencer Monroe. Deanna's son," he said, holding out his hand. I shook it, "nice to meet you.  He was kind enough to show me around but he also talked a lot. He was definitely one of those self centered assholes. "So will I see you at the welcome party that my mother is throwing?" He asked. "Um… maybe. I should go now," I said. I wanted to get away from him. He creeps me out with the way he looks at me.

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