Rule #15

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Kill or Be Killed

It’s simple you either kill or be killed. That’s just how it is in today's world. That’s how it had to be now. We had decided to go deeper into the prison to try and find the cafeteria. Maggie, Glenn, Daryl, T-dog, Rick, and I. But then Hershel wanted to go too and we let him. Maggie didn’t like it but we couldn’t stop him. Of course, that led to him tripping and being bit by a walker. It had taken a bit out of the back of his calf. The tombs, as we decided to call it, were filled with walkers. Prisoners that never made it out and got left behind.

We did end up finding the cafeteria though. That’s where we ended barricading ourselves to get away from the walkers that were on our heels. Hershel was bleeding badly, Maggie was freaking out. Rick made a quick decision, wrapped his belt around Hershel’s leg and brought his axe down on his leg just a little bit above where he was bitten. We didn’t even know if that would work. But something had to be done. What we didn’t realize until we heard another voice, was that there were five prisoners in that cafeteria and that’s why the doors had been locked from the outside.

We put Hershel on a metal cart and rushed him back to the cell block. The prisoners followed us. One of them had a gun and gave me the creeps. He kept staring at me along with another guy with a handlebar mustache. I only had jeans and a tank top on. My gut told me the prisoner with the gun was the worst of them all. He was the leader, he had the gun. They weren’t even aware of what was really going on outside the walls. They still believed someone was going to come help. We had to explain that there was no more government, no more hospitals, no phones or internet. Nothing was left and half if not more of the human population was dead or walkers.

It took a little bit to convince them but they agreed to give us half the food in exchange for us helping them clear another cell block. A cell block across the prison as far from our group as we could get them. That didn’t work all too well. They had no idea how to kill walkers. They just went with prison rioting shit and one of them got scratched. The leader ended up beating him to death. He had this wild look in his eyes when he looked back up at us, his eyes never leaving my body.  Daryl ended up stepping in front of me, squaring his shoulders, daring him to come anywhere near me.

We had gotten as far as the laundry room when Rick ended up killing him. We had to open the doors to get further into the prison and Rick had instructed him to open one door at a time. He didn’t listen and opened them both. Walkers flooded in towards us. He tried pushing one at Rick but luckily I was right beside him and killed it. That’s when the machete Rick had in his hands went straight into the guys head. The smallest of them ended up running off. Rick chased after him while me, Daryl, and T-dog had the other two on their knees.

We did get them to a cell block and told them they needed to take the walkers outside and burn them. We left them there along and walked back to our cell block to check on Hershel. Before we left Rick made Glenn take his handcuffs and cuff Hershel to the bed. Carl had snuck off and found the infirmary, bringing back whatever was left. Lori wasn’t happy about it but it helped. Hershel was alive and would be fine.

Of course now we had to worry about Lori and the baby. Hershel wouldn’t be able to deliver the baby. Lori had to have a C-Section with Carl and would most likely have to have one with this baby. Hershel was teaching Carol a few basic things to help assist him. But nothing ever goes as planned. Hershel was up and on crutches a week later. Lori and Beth were inside with Carl helping him get up to come outside. Glenn and Maggie were up in one of the towers since they kept watch last night. The rest of us were gathering wood to build a fire and burn the bodies of walkers. We cheered on Hershel as he walked outside. It was a relief that he was going to be okay.

"Hey, guys," I said, looking towards the courtyard by the prison. The two prisoners that were still alive were standing there. Axel was the one with a handlebar mustache and Oscar was the tall one. They explained that they could live in that cell block with the bodies. And we again reminded them they had to take them out and burn them. As we were talking about what to do with them and went about our task we heard yelling and a gunshot. Walkers were in the area of the courtyard Hershel l, Lori, Beth, and Carl were in. Carl and Lori started shooting. Beth was able to get Hershel and herself to safety. Maggie and I got to Lori and Carl before anyone else could. We ushered them into the cell block only to be greeted by walkers.

When we were in the tombs Lori started getting labor pains. I made the decision to distract the walkers so Carl and Maggie could get her to safety somewhere and wait until I had led the walkers off. Unfortunately for me I ended up getting lost. I didn't know where I was going. I was so far into the prison that I found death row. The cells were inside a separate room that was surrounded by bullet proof glass. The prisoners inside were either dead or walkers. Solitary wasn't too far down the hall from there. It was dark so I had to slowly walk along the wall, knife gripped in my hand. I sighed when I found a door that led downstairs. The administration office and other offices were down here.

Papers littered the floor, furniture blocked doors, broken glass laid on the floors. I saw a large, orange, metal door that led outside just like the ones in the cell block. I walked over and started to open it letting the bright light inside. I was out at the back of the prison on the farthest side by the parking lot. I walked around the left side to see the parking lot abandoned, save for a few cars. I kept walking and saw the west side of the prison had been blown wide open. "Shit." We would need to find our way there and try to figure a way to block it off so walkers and the living couldn't get in. The prison looked a lot smaller when we first got here. I was realizing just how big it was. I turned around and made my way back to the door I came out of and walked right past it and around the other side.

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