Rule #40

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Guts Save Lives

Guts save lives. Whether it be your gut feeling telling you something isn't right or it's you covering yourself in walker guts. That's what we had to do after walkers pushed a part of the wall down. After our plan to lead the walkers away went sideways we had to come back to Alexandria. Well, technically  walkers that took the wall down. Someone ran a truck into the wall and we were only notified what was happening by the sound of a horn. That horn caused a good amount of the walkers to head towards Alexandria.

Shit had gone sideways fucking quick. It was Rick, me, Michonne, Carl who was holding Judith, Jessie and her two sons. Her youngest son stopped. He just stopped and started crying and talking about how scared he was. He was being too loud and walkers noticed him. One came up and went right for his head. Jessie went to help but of course she was bitten too. Then her oldest, who had it out for both Rick and Carl, shot Carl. I gasped when he turned around. His left eye was missing. "Dad." Rick had caught him and picked him up. Michonne put her sword through the other kid's chest.

After we got him to the infirmary Rick went straight back outside. "Do everything you can!" I yelled, running out after my brother. We fought alongside our family against the walkers. Just when it looked like it was going to end Daryl, Abraham, and Sasha showed up. They dumped gas into the small lake and then Daryl used a grenade launcher to set it ablaze. The walkers were instantly attracted to the fire and walked right into it. We made sure to take care of the rest of the walkers before reuniting with everyone.

"Where the fuck did you get a grenade launcher?" I asked, going up to Daryl. He shrugged, "In the truck. Look, yn–" he was cut off by a shrill voice. "Oh, my god, Daryl! You saved me!" Carrie ran towards him and I pulled out my gun just as she passed and shot her in the head. Everyone looked down at her then up at me. "What? She was…bit?" I knelt down and pulled her shirt back from her shoulder and laughed. "Oh shit! Ha! She actually was bitten!" I looked up to see Rick looked down at me, shaking his head. "Okay! So I was sick and tired of her! Fucking sue me!"

We stood outside of the infirmary waiting to hear anything about Carl when Daryl came up beside me. "I didn't like her." I looked over at him and raised an eyebrow. "What?" I asked. "Carrie. I didn't like her. I barely heard anything she said to me that day she found me in the garage. I just nodded and hummed when I thought it was necessary. I aint good with emotions. Never done this before," he said. "Done what?" I asked. He looked down, shuffling from one foot to the other. "Been in a relationship."

"Relationship? Is that what we're in?" I asked, smirking. I moved closer to him so I was standing right in front of him. I put my finger under his chin so he would look at me. "Are you telling me that I'm your girlfriend, Dixon? You haven't even taken me on a date." He rolled his eyes, groaning in annoyance. "Ya talk too much." He leaned down and kissed me and I hummed in content. "Yeah but you still like me," I said before kissing him again.

Carl was going to be okay. He was missing an eye now and would need to get used to that but he was alive. I was sitting beside him on the bed, our backs to the headboard. "Heard you killed that girl you went to school with. He said you just shot her in the head." I sighed and leaned my head back. "She was bitten! It was better than letting her turn," I said. He looked at me with his good eye. "You didn't even know that before you shot her! You were just jealous because she was all over Daryl!" He laughed.

I rolled my eyes and laughed along with him. "But she was bit. So I did her a favor and I also got rid of my problem. You know what, I don't have to explain anything to you. But yeah, I guess I was a little jealous. She was my high school bully. Always had to have the spotlight and that came with the goal to make my life a living hell," I told him. "I was surprised she survived the prison," he said. "Oh, my god, I know! She's like a cockroach! Well, she was like one because now she's dead."

Then it went silent for a little. "So, like… are ya going to scrounge up a crew of misfits and head out on the open sea and look for buried treasure?" I tried to keep a straight face but burst out laughing when he shoved me. "You're an ass," he said, with a laugh. "Yeah, but I'm your favorite aunt." He shook his head, "You're my only aunt!"

"So, you and Daryl?" He nudged me and I nudged him back. "What about it?" I asked. "Didn't know you were a beast trainer." I snorted, "shut up! Daryl is not a beast," I said, laughing. "Come on, he's feral. Make sure you house train him!" He said, laughing. "You're a little shit. What about you and Enid? I saw you chasing after her into the woods. And she's been coming to see you everyday. Does my nephew have his first girlfriend?" I asked. His face flushed red and he looked down. "We're just friends." There was a knock on the door and Enid walked in.

I looked at her and smiled at her. "Oh. I can come back," she said. I shook my head and stood up. "Nope. I was just getting ready to leave. I'll let you two kids alone. No kissing though wouldn't want to get cooties or whatever." I heard Carl groan and then a pillow hit me. "Get out!" I threw it back at him, laughing before heading for the door. "I'll be back late. Love you!" I heard him mumble a love you too before I closed the door.

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