Authors Note

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So, like, is anyone reading this? I am thinking of just wrapping it up. I do have a new Daryl story idea, though.

Daryl x Reader like always. Takes place years before the outbreak, then goes into twd events. They've known each other since they were kids. Have a falling out and don't see or talk to each other until they both end up at the quarry.

Here is they idea I have right now:

They were each other's first everything. First friend. First kiss. First time. First love. First heartbreak. They did everything together. Both came from broken families. His mom died when he was young, and his dad was a drunk. Her mother left when she was five, leaving her with a father who cared more about his job and later his new wife and step-kids than he did her.

They lived a mile away from each other. Him in a run-down house with junk in the yard and her in a nice house in a nice neighborhood. They were opposite. He had no choice but to fend for himself, and she chose to fend for herself. She got good grades, and he dropped out sophomore year.

She went off to college and then went to the police academy later, becoming a homicide detective. He tagged along with his older brother and did whatever he said they were going to do that day. Occasionally, he would work at the local garage when his brother would get himself locked up. He wasn't a fan of what she did for a living, but he supported her. That was until one day, she was the one putting the cuffs on his brother.

They had a fight, and things were said. Things that would follow them for years. She moved away after getting a job in Atlanta as a homicide detective a couple of years later. He only knew she moved to the city when he heard a conversation in the bar. They didn't see or talk to each other again. Not until the world fell apart. When an outbreak happened and the dead were coming back to life, attacking the living.

They didn't see each other again until they were both standing in the middle of the small camp of survivors at an old abandoned quarry a few miles outside the city. Both standing in shock, just staring at each other. Neither of them said anything when asked if they knew each other. Merle ended up doing that for them. Things were going to change for the better or for worse.

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