Rule #31

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Family Will Always Find You Again

No matter what your family will always find you. Especially in this shit of a world. And like I said before, blood isn't always thicker than water. And Gmail doesn't need to be blood. In this world your family are the people who always have your back no matter what. And our group was one big family. Nothing would ever change that. We would always find our way back to each other.

After Rick ripped that leader of the claimed groups throat out with his teeth and the rest were dead Michonne took Carl into the bronco that was parked alongside the road. One of those assholes was going to do some sick unspeakable things to him. That asshole had tried to put a claim on me and was so sure he could do the same to me until I stabbed him in the neck with my knife a few times.

The next morning we got back on the road. We made the decision to follow the train tracks. We saw a sign that read Terminus. We figured that's where the rest of our group would go and we were right. The only problem was we had been put into a train car. That's where we found Glenn and Maggie, Sasha and Bob, then a few new people. Abraham, Rosita and Eugene had helped Glenn. Then there was Tara who had been with the governor but from what we were told she didn't want to be there.

The people who captured us were fucking cannibals. You heard that right. CANNIBALS! Of course they didn't know who the fuck they were messing with. The place was now buring to the ground and surrounded by walkers. Carolnhad came to the rescue. We then met up with Tyrese who had Judith. Things were turning out to be okay. And apparently Eugene knew the cure to all this and they were trying to get him to D.C. now did I buy that shit? No!

We ended up running into an Episcopal priest, Father Gabriel. He was a fucking pussy and a coward. But he took us back to his church. It was okay while it lasted, which wasn't long. The cannibal freaks who lived followed us and captured Bob. They cut his fucking leg off! Unlucky for them he had been bitten when part of the group went to get food from a food bank. Maggie and Glenn ended up going off with Abraham, Rosita, and Eugene. Carol tried to sneak off again but Daryl and I followed her. That's when we saw a car with the same white cross on the back window as the one that took Beth so we followed it.

We followed them all the way to the city. Carol then took us to a place she and Sophia used to stay when she would leave Ed. It was for women to get away from their abusers. Women and children could be safe and get help. Carol told me about Lizzy while Daryl was off making sure everything was clear. She told me how she killed Mika and was going to kill Judith too. She thought the walkers were still people and that they were her friends. She was a threat and Carol made the hard decision to kill her.

That was three children now. First she lost her daughter, Sophia. Sophia was hard for all of us that were there on the farm that day. Seeing her stumble out of that barn. Then she took the responsibility for Mika and Lizzy after their father died when that flu spread and he had been bitten. Lizzy killed Mika and Carol had to kill Lizzy for the safety of Judith. It had to be hard for her to make that kind of decision. Killing a child was not easy. We didn't come across a lot of walkers that were kids. We didn't see a lot of kids that were left alive.

When you think about that kind of stuff you realize that kids never had a chance in this world. If their parents were infected and died and turned into walkers those kids didn't have a chance of getting away. Babies, toddlers, etc… they were the first to die. Some were lucky enough to have protection. But you try not to think about that kind of shit. It just brings you down when you do.

We had heard a banging when we first got here and followed it to a room where a mother and her child were. They had turned into walkers. Seeing the small shadow of the child was enough to make my heart ache and my stomach turn. Me and Carol found a room and Daryl checked out the rest of the floor. The window looked out onto the roof of the building so there wasn't much to see. Carol took the top bunk, winking at me as she did. "Stop! Oh, my god!" I laughed, my cheeks flushing.

The next day we woke up and Daryl had been on the roof. He had put down the walkers in that one room and burned their bodies. After that we left and made our way through the city and into another building that we could see the hospital from. We ended up in an office with some kind of art on the wall. Daryl said it looked like a dog dragged its ass across the canvas. I couldn't help but let out a snort and a loud laugh. Carol had scolded us both.

When we looked out that window we saw a van that was teetering on the side of the bridge. The same white cross on the back windows. That was our next destination. That was until we ran into a kid about Beth's age. We were going back to the breezeway that had all the tents and walkers in sleeping bags. "Back to the burrito walkers." That was what I had said right before we got to the door. When Daryl, me, and Carol slipped through the small space where the door was chained we had a gun pointed at us.

We had to get all our weapons to him. There was no way in hell I was giving him my gun so I told him I didn't have ammo. It was a complete lie. The gun was empty but I did have a full clip in the pocket of my black cargo pants. He took Carol's rifle and Daryl's crossbow. He would regret that later. After he left we made our way to the bridge where the van was. And shit just went even more south from there.

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