Rule #27

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The Past Always Comes Back 

The past always seems to come back one way or  another in some form. It could be a secret or a person. No matter what it is, it will come back. In this case it's a person or maybe I should say persons. One person was from my past and the other was a person we all thought was gone. 

After we had gotten back to the prison Daryl had rushed me inside to Hershel. And as I was recovering he didn't let me do anything. He made me stay in bed. And when I was finally myself again, well not completely myself. I'm still a little weak but I'm not as bad as Glenn or some of the others. Daryl let me get out of bed and walk around the courtyard. Okay I should say he let me because that sounds like he has control over me. I was able to convince him was doing better and needed to get some fresh air. I promised I would take it easy and not over exert myself. 

Everyone who wasn't sick was out doing something. Carl was down in the administration with Beth and the kids. We wanted to keep them separated from the cell blocks and anyone who was exposed to whatever this illness is. The air was warm, the sun felt so nice on my skin. I looked around and noticed there were even more walkers at the fence. It was bowing inwards with the weight of the bodies. Our people were desperately trying to take care of them. It was like for every ten they killed twenty more would show up. I looked around for Carol but couldn't find her. I did however see my brother. 

"Rick!" He stopped and turned around. "What're you doing out here?" He asked as I approached him. "I'm feeling better and need fresh air. Hey, have you seen Carol?" I asked. He sighed and grabbed my arm dragging me off to the side away from any listening ears. "She's not coming back?" He said. My eyes widened, heart rate picking up. "Is she?" He shook his head. "No, she's alive. But she's not coming back. She's the one that killed Karen and David so I kicked her out." I stepped away from him. "I'm sorry? Are you fucking joking?" He sighed and put his hand out, "yn, just wait. She had no right in just killing them. They were alive when she did it, not dead." 

Before I could say anything else I heard an obnoxious giggling. Me and Rick looked at each other and walked around the corner or the building. Daryl was hunched under the hood working on one of the vehicles and right beside him was Carrie Holstein. "Is that?" I looked over at Rick and rolled my eyes. "Unfortunately." She was leaning on the side of the vehicle, pushing her chest out, her tits practically falling out of her low cut shirt. "You're so good with your hands. Makes me wonder what else you could do with them." I wanted to throw up. Daryl seemed like he was ignoring her. But I really couldn't tell because I couldn't see his face. 

"She hasn't changed has she?" Rick asked. "Nope," I said, popping the P. "You're so strong too. I bet you could pick a girl up with ease. I always liked being manhandled."  I gagged feeling bile rise into my throat. Rick choked on a laugh. "Maybe you could teach me how to hunt. Go out into the woods…alone. You can show me how you stick an arrow into a bow."  I scrunched my face up at her bad pick up line or whatever the fuck it was. Daryl finally looked up at her and I could see the pink tint on his cheeks from where we were standing. "What the hell ya talkin' about?" 

Carrie straightened and I just knew she was rolling her eyes. "Okay. Let me put it more simply for you. I want you to pick me up and fuck me against a tree or you could fuck me on the hood of this car." She ran her hand up his arm and squeezed his bicep. Rick was chuckling beside me at how awkward Daryl was looking. He pulled away from her, "I ain't doin' shit with ya."  That seemed to take her by surprise. No one had ever turned her down in high school and I'm sure that followed after too. "Is this because of yn Grimes? She's not worth it. She's just a loser, always has been and always will be. She's probably still a virgin."  

"Can I fucking kill her?" I gritted through my teeth. "No. I would have to kick you out and I don't want to have to kick out my little sister. She'll get what is coming to her eventually." I rolled my eyes. "Ain't ya got nothin' better to do than to whore yourself around? Get the hell away from me!"  Both me and Rick started to bust out laughing, alerting the two of us. Carrie huffed and stormed off. Rick and I walked over to Daryl and he teased him about what happened before going off to do something else. 

I stayed with Daryl for the rest of the day and handed him tools and helped him with whatever else he had to do. Things were going fine until people in a tank rolled up to our gates. Michonne and Hershel had taken the jeep and trailer out to a clearing in the woods to get rid of the walkers that had been able to knock down the one fence last night. They were now on their knees with the governor behind them. Rick was down in the field trying to talk to him and tell him we could all live together in peace. But the governor didn't want that. He wanted the prison for himself and his new little group. 

Things got out of hand when Carl took a shot at the governor. Michonne was able to get out of the way but the governor ended up bringing her sword down on Hershel's neck. Then the fire started and the person in the tank drove it through the fences. Everything was a mess and complete chaos. Daryl was fighting and making sure I didn't leave his side. We fought beside each other as we took the governor's new men out. Eventually we had to run. People had been ushered on the bus and had already gone ahead. Our group was split up and all over the place. Daryl and I ran into Beth and then ran off into the woods and didn't stop. 

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