Rule #37

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Give it a Chance

Sometimes it's okay to give something a chance. Something like a new community, a new home. It was okay to try and give the people a chance. Maybe not all of them but some of them. That's what Daryl was trying to do. He was trying to give Alexandria a chance. He wasn't one for domestic living. He hated being all cooped up behind the walls. He was like that at the prison too. He was always going outside the fences whether it to hunt, go on a run, or just get away for a little. So Aaron giving him the hob to help him recruit was huge. It meant he could get out and away and not feel so pent up. Feel caged like an animal.

I was standing out in the middle of the woods by some old house with Carlo, Rick, and Daryl. Apparently while everyone was at the party and Daryl and I were with Arron and Eric, Carol snuck in where they kept the guns and grabbed a couple. She pulled out three, kept one and then held out the others to Daryl. "Take a pick." Me and Rick had our guns not only because of the people we were outside the walls but because of the job we were given.

"Look I've been thinkin'. Do we really need these?" Daryl asked. Rick and Carol looked at him confused. I was confused about everything. I didn't know they talked about this until Daryl was dragging me along with him. "I mean, things go bad, yeah, sure. We do what we gotta do, but it's like you said. We don't need these for that," Daryl said. "Right now we don't," Carol said, looking at him confused, not understanding why he was saying what he was. "You wanted me to try, right? I'm good."

I moved closer to Daryl and laced my fingers with his. This was a big thing for him. Trusting Alexandria or at least trying to. After last night he moved from the perch on the window to my room. I slept way better than I have been. Not only because I was sleeping on a reap mattress but because I had Daryl with me. I can take care of myself. I can hold my own but Daryl always and will always make me feel safe.

Carol looked at me and I shook my head. She sighed and turned to Rick. He hesitated for a second but took one of the guns. I could see Daryl was a little disappointed by it. After everything was said and done we went back and went our separate ways. I went with Daryl and we went to Aaron's garage so he could work on building the bike.

Daryl worked on his bike and went out with Aaron. I begged him to take me but he would just kiss me and leave. I hated the job I was given. But I guess it was a good thing I was because my brother had lost his fucking shit. I was heading back to the house when I heard a loud crash. Seconds later my brother and the doctor, whatever the fuck his name is, was hurtling out onto the street.

Rick was on top of him, beating the living fuck out of the guy. "Jesus fuck, Rick!" I sprinted over to where he was and grabbed a hold of him. "Knock it off!" I yelled. He pushed me away and continued to beat him. People were starting to gather, gasping at the site. "Rick! God damnit! Would you get the fuck off of him!" I pulled by my arm and brought it forward, slamming my fist into the side of his head. It stunned him for a couple seconds until Michonne came up and hit him on the back of the head and knocked him out.

While the doctor recovered Rick was put in a vacant apartment. There was a basement space that could be used as a temporary holding cell. I was sitting on a chair watching him where he lay on a thin mattress on the floor. We had cleaned up the cuts on his face from not only the hits he had received but from the broken glass as well. I had learned that he was into Jessie, the doctor's wife. I had also learned the doctor's name was Pete. What kind of name is fucking Pete? Whatever. Appreciate Dr. Petey boy was an abusive asshole. Carol could tell that much by looking at him. And I trusted Carol. We needed to make sure this didn't happen so we don't get kicked out.

Rick was let go the next morning. Daryl was off with Aaron. I stood watching as Rick walked away from Jessie's house. I didn't know what to do or what to say. Tara was in the infirmary after being injured on the last run. Noah had been killed on that run and along with others. These people knew nothing about how to take care of walkers or how to properly go on runs and make sure everyone stays safe. I let Michonne handle Rick. I wasn't in the mood.

Later through the day I saw Rick running towards the gate. The gate that was open. I jogged over to him, "what the hell. Who the fuck left that open?" I asked. He closed it and then turned to look at me. "I don’t know but we need to look around to make sure no walkers got in." They were supposed to be having a meeting tonight about what happened and what to do with Pete and Rick. I had a good idea of what they're decision would be.

The sun was starting to go down as we ran through the community checking everywhere. Then we heard the familiar snarling of a walker. We ran to where it was and Rick took it down. Rick looked at me then picked up the walker and I followed him to Deanna's. Rick threw it down and everyone stood and backed away. They looked at us like we were fucking insane. "There wasn't a guard at the gate," I said. Rick looked at everyone, "the gate was open."

Then Spencer said he asked Gabriel of all people to close the gate before he ran off. "I didn't bring it in. It got inside on its own. They always will–the dead and the living, because we're here." Rick gave him his speak then fucking Pete had to go fucking crazy and ended up killing Deanne's husband with Michonne's sword. Then she gave Rick permission to kill Pete. "Rick?" We turned to see Aaron and Daryl align with someone else. I don't know how but he knew my brother.

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