Authors Note Update

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This is an update for anyone who read my Authors Note.  So I want to be honest with my readers because I want you to know who I am as a person too and not just the author who rights fanfiction.

My dad has COPD which is a lung dieses. He has had for years. And Thursday morning at 3am EST I had to call for an ambulance because he was having problems. When they were getting him into the ambulance he went into cardiac arrest from not getting enough oxygen. They gave him CPR and got pulses back before rushing him to the hospital. On the way down he went into cardiac arrest again and they had to restart compressions.

He was in critical condition and on a ventilator to help him breath and is in the ICU. We almost lost him but thankfully he came off of the ventilator today and is breathing on his own. He still has a long way to go and isn't out of the woods yet but he's better than he was. The medics took very good care of him and did good strong CPR and that saved his brain. They did CPR for 20 to 30 minutes and that's a very long time. When I saw him today he knew where he was and who we were but was tired so I didn't stay long. But he's slowly getting better.

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