Rule #41

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Sexual Tension Pays Off


/N: Sorry it took so long for me to post another chapter. I had writers block for the story. I don't even know if anyone wants me to continue this story or not.

Okay, so not really a rule, but I couldn't not put it in here. Especially when the man OR woman you have been running after finally breaks that tense between the two of you…it's like, a fucking bomb goes off and you're too close and become disoriented. I mean I honestly never thought Daryl would be the type. He's kind of shy and awkward. Who knew he had a dominant side to him.

I was laying in bed, arms wrapped around a pillow, dreaming peacefully until someone started to shake me awake. I groaned, pushing them away, and turning over. "Come on, sunshine, time to get up." I peaked one eye open to see it was still dark outside. The sun hasn't even come up yet and he was waking me up! I flipped the blankets up over my head and curled myself into a ball.

Leave it to Daryl to be the first one to be up in the house. It was probably like four or five in the fucking morning. He was always the first one up and the last one to go to bed. The blankets were thrown off me and I flipped onto my back and looked at Daryl. "What? What do you want? The sun isn't even out yet!" I whined. "It will be in an hour. And you take forever to get ready."

I ignored him and flipped onto my stomach. "Ten more minutes," I said. I yelped and jumped up when his hand came down on my ass. "No. Now get up!" He said in a gruff voice. I looked at him with wide eyes as my brain tried to catch up to what he just did. Then a smirk made its way onto my face. I crawled across the bed to him, got on my knees and looked up at him.

"You know, Daryl, I like. Eing spanked." I walked my fingers up his chest, biting my lip. His hand wrapped around my wrist, his cheeks started turning a light pink. I squealed when he bent a little and threw me over his shoulder. "Daryl!" I laughed. He walked into the bathroom and set me on my feet. "Get a shower. You're like a damn dog in heat." I threw my head back and laughed. "Wanna join?!" I called as he walked out and closed the door.

After I got done with my shower I wrapped a towel around myself and walked back into the bedroom. I hadn't even realized Daryl was sitting on the edge of the bed. I just walked over to the dresser and started to pull out a bra and underwear. When I looked up I saw him in the mirror and damn near had a heart attack. "Fucking hell!" I turned around and looked at him.

"You scared the fuck out of me. Jesus christ!" I put my hand on my chest and took in a deep breath to try and calm my heart rate. "I thought you'd be outside checking to make sure the car we're taking is good on gas and all that other mechanicy shit." He looked over at me, blue eyes racked up and down my body that was still wrapped in a tiny white towel. "Shit, sorry. I'll grab my clothes and go change."

I didn't want to make him uncomfortable. I'm sure I already did that almost an hour ago. I finished pulling a bra, underwear, and a pair of socks out from the top drawer and carefully knelt down to find a shirt and pants to wear from the bottom drawers. "I already checked the car when I woke up." I turned to look at Daryl and nodded. "Okay, so everything is set for our run…with my brother and his shitty music?"

He chuckled, "should throw that shot out so he can't play it no more." I laughed, "I one-hundred percent agree. If we had TV he'd have nothing but westerns on…all day long. We used to fight over who was going to pick the channel. I wanted to watch cartoons and he wanted westerns. Of course, dad would always tell him to let me watch what I wanted because I was his little sister and he was almost an adult. He needed to be a man blah blah blah."

"I'm going to go change and we can go make sure Rick is up and ready," I said. "He is. I already talked to him while you were taking your good ol' time in the shower." I shrugged, "I had some…personal things to take care of, Mr. Dixon." I winked at him and walked into the bathroom. So much for not making him uncomfortable. What the fuck is wrong with me?!

Before I could close the door though Daryl was barging in, grabbing my face in his hands, and pressing his lips to mine. My eyes bulged in surprise but quickly shut, my hands going to his hair, and kissing him back with just as much force. When he pulled away I sucked in a breath and looked up at him. "Holy shit. What was that about?" I asked. "You drive me fucking crazy. Walking out in nothing but a damn towel. Acting like a bitch in heat."

I felt my face starting to get warm and I looked down. "I'm sorry about earlier. And I didn't know you were in the bedroom when I walked out. I'm always sorry for seeming to not be able to stop making you feel uncomfortable. I don't know why I do it. Maybe it's because it's cute when you get all flustered and shy…" He cut me off with a kiss and put his hands on my hips, lifting me onto the bathroom counter. "Ya talk too much too."

"Maybe you should shut me up then. Make use of my mo…" he kissed me again to shut me up. "Ya really need to stop talking. Now get dressed, we leave in twenty. We can finish later." He walked out of the bathroom and I heard the bedroom door shut. I sat there with my mouth hanging open while I processed what just happened. "That fucker just left me hanging!"

I got dressed, put my boots on, and grabbed all my weapons. I fixed my belt while I walked down the stairs. "Morning." I smiled at Michonne, "morning. Where are Rick and Daryl?" I asked. "Front gate. They said you have five minutes to get there or they're leaving without you."

I rolled my eyes and thanked her before sprinting out the door and down the street to the front gate. When I got there Eugene was opening the gate for them so I quickly jumped in the backseat. "Y'all are jerks." I mumbled. Rick looked at me in the review and smirked. "Should have gotten up earlier." I scoffed, "Excuse you, but Darly had me up before the fucking sun! So kiss my ass." He chuckled and drove out of Alexandria.

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