Rule #42

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Proceed With Caution

A/N: Sorry it took so long. My brain was on the verge of overload. I finally got some what of a decent sleep last night and woke up with so inspiration to write.


Always proceed with caution no matter what you are doing. You never know what or who might be lurking behind a building or door. Never know who might be stalking you in the woods planning to come up behind you. You also never know when someone is going to try and steal the truck of food you just found after distracting you. Then having to chase him down, fight him, and watch the truck roll back into a fucking pond.

"So, what took you so long to get ready?" Rick asked, looking in the rearview mirror. "She wouldn't get her ass up," Daryl told him. Rick laughed and nodded his head, "yeah, she's always been like that. Always getting up at the last minute." I scoffed, "whatever. Don't act like it didn't take mom smacking you to get out of bed." Rick laughed and nodded his head.

"Today's the day," he said. Driving further down the road. "We're gonna find food, maybe some people. The law of averages has gotta catch up." I moved so I was leaning on Daryl's seat a little. "I don't know. We ain't seen nobody for weeks," Daryl said. "Maybe we ain't gonna find nobody." I hummed in agreement, "Maybe that's a good thing." Silence filled the air as Rick looked between me and Daryl before flicking his eyes to the radio.

His hand reached over and Daryl looked at him. "Don't," he said. Rick picked up a CD and started to push it into the player. "Don't. Please don't," Daryl begged. "Come on, Rick. Don't torture us." He didn't listen and pushed it all the way into the player and hot play. Action Packed by Ronnie Dee started playing. The volume was turned up so loud Rick had to shout. "Draws 'em away from home!"

Ronnie Dee was a singer from the fifties and although he was considered rock and roll it wasn't the kind of rock Daryl and I like to listen to. Because rock back in the fifties was a whole lot different from the sixties, seventies, and eighties. I sat back in my seat with a sigh and watched the trees fly by. We kept going straight until Rick came to a stop and backed up a little, and turned down another road.

He pulled into an old farm and up to a building with a big white shutter door on it. In big black letters read SORGHUM. It was a type of grain. We got out of the car and Daryl started digging through his bag while Rick and I stood guard. Rick started walking around the side until Daryl spoke up. "Hey. Hold up! Best bw safe," he said and started on breaking the lock on the door.

Once he got the lock Rick and I had our guns ready and Daryl pulled the door up. There was a truck inside. One of those small delivery type trucks. We checked around the truck before we went to the back. Daryl put his hand on the handle to open the door while Rick and I stood ready. When he opened it, it was full of all kinds of stuff. "Holy shit!" I said. "Well, how about that? The law of averages, " Rick said and I rolled my eyes.

"Let's get this thing going. Grab out gear and come back for the car later," Rick told us. "I can take the car," I said. He shook his head, "no. I'd rather you were with us just in case we run into trouble." We closed the door and headed for the front. "How the hell are we all three sitting in there," I asked. There was a small little space between the passenger and driver seats.

"Looks like you're in the middle," Rick said and got into the driver's seat. "Great. Wonderful. Fucking perfect!" It was cramp for sure. But we made it work and headed down the street. We came to a stop at a gas station and got out. Daryl tried the doors but they had been locked then he saw a soda machine. I watched as he and Rick struggled to flip it over. "I don't think you got it!" They both looked up at me with unamused looks. Then Daryl had the idea to use a chain and the truck to flip it over.

I decided to look around more while they flipped the machine over. It wasn't long before I heard a voice that didn't belong to either of the two men I was with. I slowly made my way around the side of the billing to see another man standing in front of Rick and Daryl. His hands were in the hair, his face was covered and he had long hair. His eyes flickered to mine then down to my gun. "Hi," was all he said at first.

The conversation didn't last long between us and him before he ran off around the building. And shortly after he did we heard what sounded like gunfire going off. The three of us rounded the corner and as soon as I realized it was just fucking fire crackers I ran back around the building leaving Daryl and Rick to deal with the walkers it attracted. "Son of a fucking bitch!"

The asshole had swiped the keys from Rick when he knocked into him. I yelled out for them before I took off down the road after the truck that was also pulling the vending machine with it. Rick and Daryl weren't too far behind. We ran for miles before we finally found the truck with a flat. It looked like he was trying to change but was interrupted.

We looked around but didn't see anyone until he was slamming into Daryl. There was a fight between the three guys before he tried taking off again. He didn't get far when I tackled him and knocked him out. "Fucking christ!" I held my hand out to Rick, "cuffs." He just looked at me. "You don't have cuffs?" I asked and he shook his head. "They were left behind at the prison. Use yours."

"Fuck no. I'm not losing my cuffs like you do. See Rick unlike you and every other dipshit at the station, I carried two sets of cuffs at all times. And unlike you I never lost mine. I'm not wasting them on this asshole. We need to find some rope." Rick and Daryl looked at each other before looking back at me. "You have two pairs. I'm sure you can give up one pair. You don't need them," Rick said.

I smirked at him. "Oh, but I do. For later tonight. Dixon here is a kinky kinky boy." Rick's eyes widened and he looked at Daryl whose face was turning bright red. "Look, I support you two but I do not need to hear about my best friend cuffing my little sister up in bed." My smirk grew wider, "who said was the one being cuffed?" Rick's head snapped to look at Daryl. He looked like he wanted the ground to swallow him whole. "You let my sister cuff you?" Rick asked, trying not to laugh.

"I ain't ever touched your damn sister! She just wants to be a fucking brat!" Daryl yelled, face growing redder if that was even possible. I burst out laughing as I found rope and tied the guys hands and feet. "Oh man, y'alls faces are priceless. Let's fucking go."

It took a little bit for them to recover before Daryl checked the machine and pulled out an orange crush. He explained Tara asked for it for Denise and then we got in the truck. As we made our way back to Alexandria though we heard something on the tip of the truck. "Is that asshole in the fucking roof?" I asked.

Sure enough he was. And we went through a field just to try and get him off. We fought him and the walkers. Shit was all over the place and no one realized that the shifter had been hit and up into neutral until it was rolling backwards down the small incline and into the a fucking lake. The four of us stopped and watched it sink to the bottom.

Then I turned around, reared my fist back and punched the guy so hard his body went stiff and he fell backwards onto the ground. Daryl got one of the cars in the field working and we got in. I called shotgun just so I didn't have to sit in the back with the guy. Daryl wasn't happy about it and when his head fell on Daryl's shoulder, Daryl pushed him hard to the other side. Rick and I laughed and he grumbled. An hour later and we were pulling back into Alexandria having to explain who the guy was an dwhat happened.

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