Rule #28

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Don't Look Back

Don't look back. No matter how bad you want to just don't. The best thing to do is to just keep going. Looking back could do a lot of things. It could get you killed or it could just bring you to wondering what you could have done or make you ask yourself if you should go back. That's exactly what Daryl, Beth, and I did, we ran and didn't look back. We ran until we couldn't run anymore.

It's just been the three of us since we left the prison. Daryl has shut himself off and Beth was trying her hardest to keep it together. She would write in a small journal. She was so sure that there were survivors but Daryl was insistent that there wasn't. I decided not to pick a side. Although I did agree with Beth. Our family was strong. Currently we are sitting around a small fire. Daryl is biting into the snake he killed a few hours ago. Beth and I just stared at it before she took a couple bits. We had strings with cans and anything else we managed to find that would make noise if any walkers run into it.

"I need a drink," Beth says quietly. Daryl picked up the battle we found and filled with water over to her. She caught it and set it down. "No, I need a drink," she said, emphasizing the word drink. I raised my eyebrows when I realized she wanted a proper drink. She wanted alcohol. She stood up and started walking away so I qas quick you follow her. "Hey, Beth, I get it, okay? I really do. I mean fuck I could really use a drink too but let's thing rationally here. It wouldn't be a great idea to get drunk in a world full of the dead." She didn't listen and walked off into the dark. "Fuck."

I looked at Daryl who just sat there and ate his fucking snake. "Get the fucknup, Dixon. We can't let her go roaming around the damn woods in the dark!" He didn't say anything. He didn't move even an inch. "Fine. Fuck you too, buddy." I scoffed and then followed after Beth catching up to her. Not long after I heard Daryl walking after us. After walking for a while the sun had came up and the air started together warmer. We have been walking through the woods for a few hours now. Then we finally came to the edge of them.

When we walked out of the trees we came out onto an over grown golf course. "Oh look at that we found the rich country club walkers," I said, looking over at the building. "There has to be alcohol in there. Let's go." Beth was very determined to have her very first drink. I couldn't really blame the girl she was only seventeen when thus shit happened and now she's nineteen. "Good thing rules don't apply anymore or I would have to arrest you for underage drinking," I told her making her giggle.

When we got inside and looked around the place was a bit of a mess but that's to be expected. I mean it was the end of the fucking world and all. Each of us went in separate directions and started looking around. I was standing in the main area looking at a dead woman who was cut in half and then placed on the bottom half of a mannequin when I heard a loud crash in the back of the club. I pulled my knife and ran straight into the kitchen to see Daryl killing a couple walkers and Beth was on the floor. "Shit, Beth!" I went over and helped her up before we had to run off.

Back in the main area we had to fight a small group of walkers that were once rich, uptight assholes. When we were finished Beth went over to the polo shirts on the wall and changed into one. It was clean for all of five seconds until a walker came in and Daryl took it down with a golf club and splattered blood over it. I could see Beth was struggling to keep it together. She turned around and grabbed a cardigan and put it over top. Then she was the woman I had been looking at.

She went over to her and tried to take her down but it wasn't happening and she started to cry. "Hey, it's okay. Look, I'll cover her up." I took a blanket that was on the ground and threw it over the woman's body. Daryl was on the floor gathering money and other pointless shit into a leather backpack. "Come on, let's go find the bar in this place." I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and we walked away. Once we found the dinning hall and the bar I went behind it. "They must have been having a grand old time. No whiskey, no vodka, no tequila, no burden, nothing." All the bottles were empty. "What about this one? Peach Schnapps." Beth held up the bottle them started to look for a clean glasses.

"Oh, honey, there's a reason this was left untouched." I picked up the bottle and looked at it. "Well, I guess I don't need a glass," Beth said. "You're crazy if you think I'm going to let you drink this shit." She went to argue with me until Daryl came up, grabbed the bottle out of my hand and threw it against the wall. "If you're gonna have you're first drink it ain't gonna be no damn Peach Schnapps. Let's go!" He said over his shoulder and walked away. Beth and I looked at each other and quickly followed him.

We trecked through the woods until we came to an old run down shack of a house. "What is this?" I asked. Daryl simply ignored me and walked around the back to a shed. "Daryl, what are we doing here?" I asked, following after him. He swung the door open, through a trap off of wooden create and lifted one. There were Mason jars filled with clear liquid in the creat he picked up. Then it hit me. "You can't be serious. For her first drink?!" He walked past us and into the house. When we made sure it was clear Daryl set the crate in the table. "What is that?" Beth asked. "Moon Shine." Daryl and I said in unison.

This was a very bad idea. But fuck it, right? We've had a shitting past couple days. It wouldn't hurt to shit back and let loose a little. Of course I would need to make sure Beth didn't get to eager with this shit. "Just make sure you give her a small amount to try. It's her first time drinking and this shit is… well, it's good but it's strong." Daryl poured her a small amount into a relatively clean cup and handed me a whole jar of it. This should be fun.

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