Rule #46

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End The War

End the war; win it. Knock the opposing team down. Stomp them into the ground and make sure they don't get back up. That's all we needed to do. We needed to fight back against Negan. We had to beat him at his own game and end it once and for all. If they want to play dirty, then give that to them. Play dirty; beat them at their own game. 

The next day, Rick and the others had shown up. It was finally time to make a plan and bring Negan down. We talked to the other communities, The Kingdom, Oceanside, the trash people who lived in the old dump. We went out looking for guns since Negan had taken all of ours. Of course, our bullet maker was with Negan, and then Sasha got caught and Father Gabriel.

We had fights with the saviors, and one of those fights the trash people turned on us. Sasha was dead. It was just them and Alexandria until the Kingdom and Hilltop showed up. They showed up just in time, too. Negan had Rick and Carl on their knees, he was threatening to kill Carl when Ezekiel's tiger, yes you heard that right, a fucking tiger came out of nowhere and tackled the guy beside Negan. Negan gave up and ran off.

We kept going, finding more guns, making better plans, getting more people. We lost people through it all. But the hardest loss was when we lost Carl. He had been bitten trying to save someone, Siddiq, who happened to be a doctor. He was a selfless kid, always wanting nothing but the best for people. He wanted this war to end and for us all to just live in peace.

A good chunk of Alexandria was distorted because of Negan and his men but the people left behind were all saved by Carl. He made sure everyone was safe even while he was in a lot of pain and wasn't feeling the beat. He led them down into the sewer tunnels to hide from the saviors. And he didn't want to put pressure on me or his dad to put him down. He wanted to do it himself. He didn't want to wait until he turned.

The war went on and more people died. Hilltop was damn near destroyed and would need to be rebuilt the same with Alexandria. It turned out that Eugene was on our side, he made sure that while making all the ammo for Negan and his men, that when they fired their guns they would backfire on them. It was down to Negan and Rick in the end. We waited for Rick to kill Negan.

At one point Negan had the upper hand on Rick but at the last minute Rick took a piece of glass and slit Negan's throat. We stood there watching and waiting for him to put him down once and for all. When it didn't happen and he yelled for Siddiq to save him Maggie was pissed to say the least. Siddiq saved him and Rick gave a speech, some people understood some didn't.

He told me that after Negan was healed enough he would be locked up in the cell that Morgan built. He would stay there for the rest of his life. All Rick wanted to do was honor Carl's last wishes and that I could understand. I didn't like that Negan was still alive, but I could understand why Rick did what he did. Hopefully we can all move on and work together.

Daryl and I moved out of the house and moved into one of the open houses in Alexandria. Of course that was all after Rick tried to keep the Sanctuary together which did not work out and I begged him to let Daryl come home. He endured enough trauma from that fucking place. Things were looking better as we rebuilt the communities. Daryl and I could hopefully have some time together without interruptions.

The world might still be crawling with walkers and worse things than that but at least we could start putting our lives back together now that we know how to survive with them. The war is over, at least the war with the saviors is over. Our communities have come together to help each other out. Now we can just exist until the next war comes.

A/N: This was short, I know, but this is the end of this story. I have no more ideas for it and don't want to continue. The next Daryl x Reader will be A Broken World. I have been working on it here and there when I can, but nothing will be posted just yet. Thank you for sticking around.

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