Rule #33

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Some People Lie For Protection

In this world not everyone knows how to protect themselves. Those people should probably be dead by now but not all of them are. Some people lie for protection. An example of that is Eugene. He lied to Abraham for protection against the walkers because he's a big ass pussy.

Things didn't go as we had planned. After we got back to the church Maggie and Glenn were gone. They had gone off with Abraham, Rosita, and Eugene. Bob was in the office laying on the couch. He had been bitten on his shoulder at the food bank. Sasha was not taking it very well. We explained what was going on and who Noah was. Rick, Sasha, and Tyrese all came back to the city with us after Bob died. We had a plan and it had gone okay at first.

We had made a deal. We would give them back their two men, there were three but one was stupid and got himself killed. But in trade we gave them their people and they gave us ours. We had Carol and Beth back things were going okay until they were. Dawn, the leader I guess you could call her, wanted Noah back as well. We weren't willing to do that but he didn't want to fight anymore so he was going to go willingly.

I had been right behind Beth to make sure she was safe. She was trying to convince Noah to stay with us. Then she walked up to Dawn, said something, then she was pulling something from her cast. It all happened so fast. She was stabbing Dawn with a pair of suitor scissors and a gunshot went off. "No!" I caught Beth as she fell backwards. Blood had splattered over my face. Dawn looked at us with wide eyes and before I could do it, Daryl was pulling a gun and shooting her in the head.

Daryl carried Beth out of the building just as Maggie and them were walking towards us. She fell to the ground with a loud sob when she saw her sister. Later on we found out that Eugene had lied about there being a cure. He only said it so Abraham would protect him. Everyone was in such a bad mood. Noah wanted to go back to his family so that's the way we headed.  And that didn't turn out so great either. Tyrese had been bitten and we had to cut off his arm. Unfortunately he didn't make it that just put Sasha in a deeper depression.

We were low on food and water. We were running low on gas too. We searched every car we came across on the road. Eventually we had to start walking. We walked for miles in the heat. We were no longer in Georgia. We had crossed over into Virginia when we went to take Noah back to his neighborhood. We weren't far from D.C. We have been walking for miles with no food and barely any water.

Daryl would break off from the group to try and go hunt but never came back with anything. All wild game had disappeared the way it looked like. The walkers didn't have enough living people to feed on so they opted for animals. And with the summer heat there was a drought. Any small streams had dried up and we weren't near any rivers. We were all exhausted and trying to conserve our energy.

While we were taking a break for the night we ended up killing three feral dogs that had come out of the woods just to have some kind of food. Some kind of protein. Some kind of energy. Sasha was the one to kill them. She had so much anger built up inside of her from losing Bob and then losing her brother. She went crazy on a small group of walkers early.

They had been following us for miles and we just kept ignoring them. We didn't have the energy to kill them and they weren't too close. Once they actually became a problem we agreed to take care of them in a way that wouldn't cost us the little energy we had. But Sasha had gone a little too crazy. Abraham wasn't doing much better. He was pissed and disappointed with Eugene. I couldn't blame him. Eugene had lied to him so he didn't have to learn to kill a walker and protect himself. He wouldn't even be alive if it wasn't for Abraham and Rosita.

When the light had started to show again and we had rested we moved on. And when Daryl went off again to hunt or at least that's what he told us, I went after him. I had lost him at some point but then I found him sitting against a tree smoking. Then I heard the small cries. I was going to turn around and give him privacy until insaw him burn himself with the cigarette. "Oh, my gos, Daryl!" I rushed over and took it from him, stomping it out. "What the fuck?" I asked. He looked up at me, anger taking over him when he saw I followed when he said not to. "The hell ya doin?!"

"I was worried about you," I said. "I don't want ya here! Go back to the road!" He growled out. "I miss her too. I can still feel her blood on my skin." I knelt down in front of him, my eyes filled with tears. "Everytime I close my eyes I see her. I keep asking myself why I didn't do something. I could have stopped it." He was quick to pull to him and wrap his arms around me. I don't know how long we sat there but eventually we went back to the group.

We continued to walk until we saw a few packs of water in the middle of the road. We all stood around it and looked around us in the woods. "It could be a trap." Someone was following us and we were sure of that. Eugene picked up a bottle and went to take a drink until Abraham smacked it out his hands. We didn't know if it was poisoned. Someone could be setting us up. We have little trust in people now-a-days. But luck was on our side because it started to rain. We set up the bottles we had until they were all filled.

"We need to find shelter!" Rick yelled over the rain. It was getting heavier and the wind was picking up. There was a storm headed our way. Daryl and I led everyone to a barn we had seen. We took care of the walker inside and locked the door the best we could. We started a small fire and settled in for the night. We still didn't have food but at least we had water and each other and a safe place for the night.

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