Rule #20

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The Living Is Worse
Than The Dead

The living is worse than the dead. The living is more cruel and scary. The dead just roam around and they're not hard to kill. They're not all that dangerous if you know what you're doing. Or unless they're in a large group. But humans, we can be hateful, cruel, deadly. That is one thing that hasn't changed. Humans will always be the most dangerous thing on this planet. You might think an animal would be worse or a black widow might be more dangerous than humans, but think about it. Humans can kill anything with the right motive, the right weapon.

We have always done what we needed to do to survive. People have always killed for no reason. That will always be something that will never change even with the dead now walking around. Humans will always be more dangerous. I don't know what he did before the outbreak or who he was but I do know that this Governor was someone who likes power. He wants everything for himself and will get it one way or another. But what he did not know or expect was that our group is even more dangerous than he is.

Andrea had showed up. We thought she was dead. The last time she was seen was on the farm. She was sleeping with the governor. Can't say I'm surprised. Andrea likes power hungry men. She fucked Shane so why not the Governor. He had obviously told her lies. He told her he came here to talk and we shot first. Then she told us that he wanted to meet with Rick.

That meeting didn't go all too well. I mean nobody died or anything but he wanted us to give him Michonne. It shocked me a little when Rick was actually considering it. He even talked to fucking Merle about taking her to him. Luckily me and Hershel were able to talk some sense into him. He changed his mind but by the time that happened Merle had already gotten to Michonne. Daryl went after him shortly after we found out. I wanted to go along with him but he refused to let me go. When he didn't come back I started to worry that maybe he had decided to leave with Merle. Then he finally showed up without his brother and didn't want to talk about it.

We needed more weapons if we were going to fight the governor and win. Me, Rick, Michonne, and Carl were going back to Kings County. I was putting my stuff in the trunk of the car when Daryl walked up to me. "Ya got a minute?" I nodded and walked with him to the fence. "Everything okay?" I asked. He chewed on the bottom of his lip. "Merle's dead. The governor shot him and let him turn. I found him munching on some guy." I looked at him, words stuck in my throat. I can't say he'd be missed because he wouldn't be, well he'd be missed by Daryl but nobody else.

"I'm so sorry, Daryl," I said, putting my hand on his arm. He tensed a little. It wasn't much but I still pulled my hand away quickly. "I've gotta go, I think they're ready to leave." I turned and started walking away when a hand wrapped around my wrist. I looked over my shoulder at Daryl. "Be careful. Come back. Don't do anything stupid." I smiled at him, "can't make any promises on the doing anything stupid part but I can promise I'll come back."

The corner of his mouth twitched up a little. "I'll see you later, Dixon. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone," I said. I stepped closer and leaned up, giving his cheek a small peck before I ran back to Rick who was smiling at me. "Shut up," I mumbled and got in the back with Carl. I waved at Daryl as we drove past him after he opened the gate. He gave a small nod, dipping his head down.

As we drove down the road we saw a man walking on the side of it, an orange hiking backpack on his back. He started waving his hands and yelling but Rick kept going until we came to a small jam in the road. Rock tried to go around it but we ended up getting stuck in the mud. He asked for a piece of fabric, rocks, and some sticks. As he set it up he told Carl exactly what to do when stuck in the mud. Just as we were going back in the car the guy from before, a mile back was now running towards us, yelling for us to wait. We weren't the kind of people to trust a lot of people anymore. It only led to bad things happening. We quickly got in the car and Michonne drove off leaving him behind.

As soon as we got back to Kings County we parked a few blocks from where the station was and walked the rest of the way. The place wasn't too bad. Papers lay on the floor. It was so weird being back here. It's been a year since everything happened. This place was a fucking mess of calls.


"Kings County Sheriff's Office."  The phones were ringing off the hook. Shane and I had just gotten back from a domestic call. Everyone that was able to come in was out there. People have been calling in complaining about neighbors and people on the street. People were becoming violent, biting others.

"Deputy Grimes!" I looked over to Sharon, the receptionist. "I have another one for you and Deputy Shane over on 34 Maple Street. Mrs. Carlton. She said her son chased her and tackled her to the ground then tried to bite her. She was able to get away from him and lock him in a room." I nodded my head, "Thanks, Sharon." I walked over to Shane where he sat at a desk and told him about the call.

Mrs. Carlton's son, Andy, was a drug addict. It wouldn't be the first time and probably won't be the last time we have to go over there. When we got there the older woman explained to us what had happened. She found Andy in his room on the bed. He still had a needle in his arm and what looked like blood on his shirt. She said when he went to wake him he snarled at her and then got up and began to chase her through the house.

He tackled her to the floor and tried to bite her but she was able to get away and lock him in a room. When me and Shane went in to try and arrest him he was out of control."


That was the first time we had actually encountered a walker. We didn't know what to do. Rick headed straight for the armory in the back. But of course when we got there it was completely empty. "We can look around some of the houses and businesses. Me and you both signed off on some gun owners." He nodded and we headed back out of the station and straight into town.

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