Rule #11

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Hand-To-Hand Weapons

You always want some kind of hand-to-hand weapon. This can be an extension to rule number seven, Improvise. You want something that's quiet and something you can use for close up combat. A knife, a metal pipe, a bat, a piece of metal that's been sharpened into a point. Anything that will kill the brain. A gun should always be the last option.

Things had gone a little wrong. First Jimmy, Beth's boyfriend wanted to go out and help look for Sophia. He told Rick that Hershel said it was okay. Turns out that was a lie. Daryl ended up going out by himself and borrowed one Hershel's horses. When he got back he looked like hell. He was dirty, had walker ears around his neck and the horse was nowhere in sight. We thought he was a walker until he talked. Then fucking Andrea shit him. Luckily the bullet only grazed him. I was livid. She was told to keep out of it and she didn’t listen. She could have killed him. “You know, Andrea, you should listen when someone tells you not to do something. You could have killed him if your aim wasn’t such shit.”

“YN, just calm down,” Shane told me. I glared at him and told him to go fuck himself before going off down the dirt lane. If I would have stayed back there I would have ended up punching the stupid bitch. Sure she feels guilty about it but fuck! She just can’t get it through her fucking head. Hershel wanted to handle the walkers himself. I don’t know what that meant, it sounded a little strange to me. The man doesn’t even want us to have our guns on us.

But we could get kicked off the farm. There isn’t anywhere else to go. Carl has been walking around more but he was still in no condition to be traveling and running from the dead. Sophia was still lost and Carol wasn’t about to leave without her. And if I’m being honest… I just have a gut feeling that we might not find her or when we do she’ll be dead. I hate thinking like that. But the only sign we have that she might still be alive is her doll. Daryl found it in the creek that’s how he got hurt. The horse was spooked by something and he fell off, rolling down a steep bank. His arrow went through his side and he was pretty busted up. Then Andrea fucking shot him, grazing the side of his head.

Before I knew it, I was at the gate. I climbed over it and kept walking. Should I have told someone where I was going? Probably. But then again I didn't know where I was going. Not until I came to the end of the driveway and out onto the road. I walked that road until I got to the highway then walked down to the pale yellow mustang. The sign we had made on the windshield was still there but was starting to come off. The supplies on the hood didn't look touched.

I opened the driver's door and sat down on the seat. Unfortunately the keys weren't in the car. That made me sad. I would have loved to have this car. Make a new sign on another car and set the supplies up. Maybe make the sign bigger and brighter. The 1967 Ford mustang was beautiful and in good shape. You could see that whoever owned the car took great care of it. I got out and shut the door. It didn't matter anyway. Eventually we wouldn't be able to find gas and would have to resort to walking or riding horses. Go back to the time before cars were a thing. History would have to repeat itself. This was a mass extinction. Not once in my wildest dreams would I have thought that someone could come back from the dead.

I saw a lone walker shuffling along on the other side of the road. I quietly made my way down the highway the way I came. It was getting dark and nothing ever good happens when you're alone in the dark. I only have my knife on me since Hershel has that stupid no guns on his property. On my way down the side road I had to kill a couple walkers but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. The time I got to the gate it was dark out. I'm sure nobody even noticed I was gone. Carol and Lori decided to cook a meal for Hershel and his family as a thank you. The lights filtered out of the windows of the old farm house. I was sure I had to be filled with awkwardness inside.

I went around the side of the house and found the room Daryl was being kept in. The small light on the bedside table was on. I climbed up, pushed the window up and climbed in. "The hell ya doin'?" I closed the window and walked around to sit on the bed beside him. Kicking my shoes off first. "I didn't want to deal with questions. I doubt anyone even noticed I was gone but still ya never know," I said. He looked up at me from where he was laying. "Where'd ya go?" I sighed, leaning back on the headboard. "The highway. At first I was just walking so I wouldn't knock Andrea on her ass but then I ended up at the end of the driveway. So I just kept going."

"Find anything?" He asked. I shook my head. "How are you feeling?" I asked. I noticed he was trying to keep his back turned away from me. I knew about how his dad was. Daryl had surprisingly opened up to me. Not completely but he told me some stuff. I guess I was just easy for him to talk to. He warmed up to me faster than anyone else in our group. And he's a little more open with others now that Merle is gone. The door opened and Carol walked in with a tray. "Brought you something to eat. Yn, Rick has been looking for you," she said. "Can you please not tell him I'm in here?" I asked, smiling. She nodded her head, "sure." She thanked Daryl, kissing his head before leaving. I would have to deal with Rick at some point. But that wasn't right now. Maybe tomorrow. But not tonight. I did not have the patience to answer a million questions or to be lectured about going out alone.

A/N: Please vote I would greatly appreciate it. I don't even know if anyone is reading this or enjoying it and I'm getting discouraged.

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