Rule #45

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Be Observant and Pay Attention

Let's go back to rule number three: observe your surroundings. Not only is that applied to the outside world. It's also applied in situations like this. When you're being held hostage by a guy who is dressed like fucking Fonzie. You need to be observant and pay attention to what and who is around you.

Negan dragged me all over the Sanctuary, showing me how "shit works around here." I didn't pay too much attention to him, but I did pay attention to where we were going and what was around us. I was going to find my way to Daryl tonight one way or another.

Right now, I was sitting on the bed in a room that Dwight brought me to. It was downstairs near his room. Negan gave him instructions to watch me closely. It's been a few weeks since that night in the clearing. I've been searching all over trying to find where they kept Daryl. I had an idea, but someone was always there guarding.

There was a knock on my door, and I sighed. Probably the burnt puckered asshole to tell me Negan wants me. I got up and walked over to the door. "Oh." Dwight was not the one standing in front of me. "Sherry, right?" I asked. She nodded her head. "Can I come in?" She asked. I nodded and moved out of her way so she could walk into the room. "So what can I help you with? Did Negan send you or something?"

She shook her head and kept pacing back and forth. "No, no. I…um…I know where he is," she said. "You know where who is?" I asked. I stayed by the door and watched her closely. "Daryl. I know where they're keeping him, and I can get the key." That caught my attention. "Where is he?" I asked. "On the other side of this floor." He's been so fucking close. "You mean where there is somebody's always standing guard?" She nodded her head and finally looked at me.

"Negan will be leaving soon to go to your community. But he wants you to stay here. I overheard him talk about how he can use you against…Rick. Dwight will be going with him. I can get the key and take you to Daryl. Then you two can get out of here," she told me. "What about you?" I asked. She took a deep breath, "I'm going to leave. I need to get out of here."

A couple hours later Sherry returned to my room with the key. Then we headed to where Daryl was being kept. Lucky for us the person that was supposed to be on guard wasn't there. Sherry handed me the key and kept watch while I opened the door. A figure was curled up in the corner. My heart was beating so hard I thought it might beat right through my chest.

"Daryl?" I whispered. He didn't move or say anything so I moved a little closer. "Daryl? Hey, it's me." I knelt down and touched his shoulder. He flinched away from me until he realized who I was. "Hey. Hey, it's okay. It's just me. I'm here to get you out of here. But we need to go now." I helped him stand up and his hand came up to my cheek. "You okay?" He whispered in a gruff voice. I nodded my head, "yeah. Yeah, I'm okay."

"We gotta go. We need to get you…what the fuck are you wearing? Jesus Christ. Come on," I said, grabbed his hand and led him out of the small room. It was probably some kind of supply closet in the past. Sherry had hurried off once I told her it was okay and that we would be fine. We were getting closer to the room I've been staying in when we heard voices. Daryl opened a random door and pulled me.

That door happened to be the one that went to Dwight's room. It didn't matter though. Dwight wasn't here and wouldn't be back anytime soon. That gave Daryl enough time to find clothes and eat something before we left and after an hour he was ready to go. "Stay behind me." I nodded in response and he led the way.

We came out a door that came out to the side of the building in the back. And coincidentally it was where the bikes were kept and Daryl's was in the front row. "Hey! What're you doing out here?" We turned around to see a fat guy with a sandwich in his hand. Daryl had a metal pipe in his hand and told him to move out of his way. "Look, man, you can go just don't kill me!" Unfortunately for him that option wasn't possible. Daryl ended up beating him to death and then we left.

"We should go to Hilltop! It will be too dangerous to go back to Alexandra!" I told Daryl as he raced down the road. He nodded and headed in that direction. When we got close enough he stopped and we got off the bike. "We'll walk the rest of the way. Hide the bike out here," he said. I nodded my head and helped him cover the bike up with leaves and branches.

We walked through the woods until we saw the gates of Hilltop. I felt Daryl's hand slip into mine, intertwining our fingers together. I looked up at him and smiled. "Come on." He pulled me along with him to the front gate. "Stop right there!" Someone called from above. We did as they asked and then someone else appeared. He smiled at us and yelled for the gate to be opened.

The large doors opened up and Jesus stood just inside. "How the hell did you two get out?" He rushed us inside and the doors closed behind us. "It's a long fucking story," I said, giving him a hug. When I pulled away I saw Maggie standing nearby smiling at me. I walked over to and she pulled me into a hug. "The baby?" I asked. We pulled away and she nodded. "Everything is fine."

We were led to a bedroom in the house, Greg wasn't happy about us being there but who gives a fuck about that asshole anyway. "I'll bring some food and a change of clothes for the two of you," Jesus said before walking out of the door. I flopped down onto the bed with a long sigh. "I bet you can't wait to get out of those clothes and get a shower," I said. Daryl hummed from beside me. "Ain't those the same clothes you were wearing in the clearing?"

I laughed, "they are. I refused to put on anything Negan offered me. I would lock the door to the room I was assigned, push the dresser in front of it, and then take a shower. I also washed these clothes by hand and hung them up to dry overnight. Took my gun back too. I would sneak out of the room every other night to look for where they kept you. I found the armory and saw my gun so I took it."

"Stealing is a crime, Officer Grimes," Daryl said and I laughed. "Hmm. Then I guess you better handcuff me and put me away," I said. I reached for the pouch on my belt and pulled my handcuffs out. "Here ya are," I said, and laid them on his chest. Before he could react there was a knock on the door. I got up and opened it, letting Jesus in. "So Maggie said these clothes should fit you. And I hope these ones fight you, Daryl. Dinner will be done soon."

"Thank you, Jesus. We appreciate everything," I said. He nodded and left. "So…how about you take a shower first," I said. Daryl stood up, nodding his head, and grabbed the clothes from me. "Ya sure?" He asked. "Of course. I think you need it more than me. But let me know when you're out so I can take a look at that shoulder of yours." I leaned up and kissed his cheek before he walked out the room and down to the bathroom.

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