Yushiro x Reader

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Rain gently pattered the ground in soft sheets of precious droplets as the leaves of the yard's dark trees trembled softly in the damp breeze. Puddles were beginning to form in the neat patches of grass. A single figure stood in the rainy mist.

From far away they could've been anyone or no one. A blank face, another stranger in the storm. Up close however gave away more details to his shocking identity. Eyes a little too bright, teeth a little too sharp, the aura of a monster and the scent of a demon. He stood looking upwards at the clouds as drops caressed his face. A deep sigh and a shake of his shoulders sent droplets to the ground. The deep blue, soft material of the demon's robes gently flowed around his slightly shivery body but despite the cold he stayed in place.

Minutes slowly and smoothly passed in silence till another's concern led them to the figure standing in the rain. The new figure stepped silently behind the lone demon till he was close enough to be heard over the patter of the rain.

"What do you think you're doing out here?" he demanded. The demon's head turned towards the speaker and locked eyes through the thin haze between them.

"Yushiro, I wasn't aware you would follow me out here. Did you need something?" he inquired back. Yushiro refused to soften to the demon's voice especially when he was preparing to lecture him. He steeled his expression before chastising the demon.

"You are getting soaked, altogether ruining the robes Lady Tamayo has so graciously lent to you! Not to mention it is daytime and you could burn away at any second! You clearly are not thinking anything through and being extremely foolish!" Silence spread through the air between them as their eye contact remained unbroken. Yushiro sharply inhaled at the lack of verbal response.

The pattering rain softly continued filling the silent void. The quiet demon shifted slightly to where they were facing the other and took a fluid step forward to close some distance between them. The tension between the two softened partially enough for Yushiro to hesitate in his lecture.

"I will personally apologize to Lady Tamayo for the dampening of these robes as well as thank her for her kindness if you wish. As for the chances of being burned away by sunlight when it's raining? I have no concern that the clouds will suddenly part, Yushiro, and burn me away." The demon paused before continuing.

"If you are truly concerned for me, however, I do thank you for your caring actions." He let a small teasing smile play on his lips. Yushiro stood in shock attempting to digest the other's statements. He quickly let annoyance overcome him as he scolded the demon.

"I, in fact, have no care whether you believe the clouds will burn away or not, it is simply not safe to even take that chance during the day!" The demon only gazed back. Yushiro took deeper breaths to try to calm himself in the face of stubbornness. The other however merely tilted his head slightly.  

"Then why are you out here?" Yushiro went still. Seconds ticked by as he pondered the question constantly in his head leading to branches of other thinking. Why did he care?

The quieter demon softened his expression and smiled gently, perhaps even bashfully. He took yet another fluid step to which Yushiro didn't back away from leaving them a breath away from each other. Yushiro searched the other's face for any sign of teasing or deception, finding nothing but gentleness.

"Dance with me?" the demon whispered softly. Yushiro hesitated. It wasn't what he was expecting, however, he has come to expect the unexpected from the other. He let out a deep sigh before gently letting one hand interlock with the others while he hesitantly laid one on his partner's hip.

He once again searched the other's face. The demon just as gently draped his other arm around Yushiro's shoulders. The little distance they had closed as they pulled close to one another.

"If I dance with you then you must go inside after this," Yushiro bargained. The other demon gazed into the purple of his eyes before smiling gently.

"Fine," he whispered softly. Yushiro took that as a sign to begin as he took a slow step backwards waiting to see if the other demon would follow his lead. Sure enough another step was made forward to reflect the movement. Yushiro continued as he took yet another step sideways, feeling the pull of the other's hands attempting to keep the two of them held together.

The rain turned to a light sprinkle as if to respect the pair's moment as they glided across the yard gracefully and in sync with one another. Fast seconds turned to slow minutes as Yushiro found himself smiling gently at the other, dancing and twirling softly together in the light drizzle and mist of the afternoon. The other demon let out a small laugh and seemed to find themselves holding on tighter to the black haired demon.

Holding eye contact and without any warning they found themselves slowing down and eventually stopping as the rain slightly picked up again. The two caught their breath, trying to work out their emotions of the whole ordeal.

Still holding on to each other Yushiro hesitantly moved his face forward waiting for any signs of the other's distress but finding, once again, nothing hostile. The space between them closed completely for only a second before Yushiro pulled back with a slight blush dusting his cheeks. They're warm.

The other demon let out a gentle sigh before hiding his own blush by nudging his face into Yushiro's shoulder. They stood in silent bliss before the rain started to fall slightly harder.

"You mentioned going inside?" the demon lowly stated into Yushiro's shoulder. Yushiro could say nothing and so merely nodded his head.

"I'm ready to go inside now," the quiet demon said, lifting his head to look at Yushiro. He let out a cough before pecking the other on the cheek, swiftly grabbing his hand and trudging back to the house.

The rain began to pour as if it had only paused to witness the display of affection between the two demons.

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