Mitsuri x Reader

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Thanks @snailpee for the request! <3

It wasn't a total secret that I could be clueless and a bit thick headed when it came to social cues. If someone was nice to me then I gladly responded. If someone seemed uncomfortable, it took me a bit till I found out if it was because of me or not. If someone was flirting with me then I figured they were an overly cheery person.

Mitsuri has already tried to teach me social cues and when I should just walk away or when it was alright for me to respond and how I should respond. I was sort of hopeless though as both of us found out very quickly. No matter how long we went over various scenarios, I just couldn't apply it to real life interactions that were much harder to interpret.

It was probably why I stood here awkwardly nodding my head when some girl had stopped me to ask me about the sword at my hip. I was more than happy to explain that I was a demonslayer and when she asked for the details of training and the actual slaying of a demon, I eagerly responded back. All my studying and training for interactions flew out of my head when I saw this stranger's eagerness to learn of a very noble profession.

"Is that why you look so fit and strong?" the girl smiled, her hand reaching out to my arm. I laughed a bit uncomfortably when she squeezed my bicep before she let out a sound of awe. There was something a bit strange about the situation but the alarms in my head weren't going off yet so I was probably fine. If she were a threat then my instincts would guide me. I had forgotten at the time that I had horrible responses when it came to socializing.

"You have to be if you want to be a demonslayer. It's best to go through drills and exercises daily to keep you prepared for an attack," I explained, giving her a small smile while trying to gently move my arm out of her grasp. The stranger didn't let go, only moving her hand up to my shoulder. I felt my body tense up at the peculiar and unfavorable feeling of someone other than Mitsuri touching me so carelessly. "Um, miss, if you could not—."

"Maybe we should run our own drills sometime. You can show me a move or two with that sword of yours," she whispered. I ducked my head in confusion, wondering why on earth she had started whispering when we were talking normally only a moment before. Her words also carried a strange tone to it that almost seemed two faced. I couldn't figure out what she was meaning though other than the plain facts.

"If you want to be a demonslayer, I'll try to help to the best of my ability but—." I was abruptly cut off as the girl's arm was smacked away. I took the opportunity to take a step away from the clingy stranger, also finding Mitsuri now standing between us with a pissed off expression that told me I was in trouble but I couldn't fathom what for.

She glanced at me once with narrowed eyes before turning her attention to the stranger who was now sneering distastefully. She clearly wasn't seeing Mitsuri's obvious beauty. I guess I didn't ask if the stranger was blind so it could be a possibility.

"Keep your disgusting hands off of him. There's nothing attractive about forcing yourself onto someone or trying to borderline attack him. No man wants a desperate assaulter," Mitsuri hissed lowly, her hand casually moving to the sword at her hip. The stranger noticed the small gesture as her face paled before she turned briskly away. I was left confused and relieved that the horrible encounter was finally over.

"Something tells me she didn't actually want to be a demonslayer now that I think about it," I laughed softly, reaching out for Mitsuri who instantly took a step away from me with a frown. I looked at her in a bit of surprise to find her eyes shiny as she crossed her arms across her chest, averting her gaze from mine and to the street instead. I might not be good at telling what strangers are thinking but I've mastered Mitsuri's emotions and this one she was displaying made me chuckle in amusement.

"What's so funny? That woman was disgusting and awful. Unless you want her to touch your arm again, then be my guest," she grumbled sourly, turning away from me even though I could still hear her sniffles. I rolled my eyes before coming up behind her and wrapping my arms around her waist soothingly. Her muscles relaxed against me when I rested my head on her shoulder.

"Don't tell me you're nervous over that weirdo. You're too cute when you get jealous, y'know that, beautiful?" I whispered against her ear before placing a reassuring kiss on her neck. She shivered in my hold once before she uncrossed her arms and turned to face me. Her face had a light blush, her eyes shining brightly as if she really was worried about me leaving her over a creepy stranger.

"Don't ever think I'm going to leave you Mitsuri," I whispered softly before pulling her in for a kiss that she happily returned. Her hands moved up my body teasingly slow before resting in my hair to tug me closer. I hummed back delightfully, cherishing moments like these where I was comfortable with the social cues. There weren't many ways I could interpret a kiss like this other than blissful and loving.

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