Enmu x Reader

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The master's library was cool and dark, like a deep cave filled to the brim with treasure. The night air seeped in through the open windows, a gentle breeze bringing the smell of old ink and withering pages. Dust swirled in the air in thick tendrils, a sign of the space's ancient age. My fingers caressed the spines of the various books as I walked past. A trail was left behind as more dust swirled into the humid air. I exhaled in content; the atmosphere felt like starlight and deep oceans.

This was by far my favorite room in the mansion. It was peaceful with little to no other demons usually hanging around in here, not many demons wanted to take time to read. My footsteps made the occasional creak in the floorboards adding to the aesthetic in a pleasing way.

Rounding the corner, I trailed down another row of shelves. I've read most of the books but each night I walk through, looking at my past journeys fondly. Walking through two more rows, I paused at the corner where a small space was reserved for tables to sit at. A window was open allowing moonlight to illuminate the room, splashes of silvery light fighting off the darkness.

A single figure basked in the lunar rays as my breath caught. There was another reason this was my favorite place, Enmu. His hair was flowing to the side, the breeze gently ruffling through his dark locks. He was bent over a book, slender fingers tapping the pages slowly. His bright blue eyes snapped up to meet mine.

"Well well, look who's arrived~" he cooed, eyebrow raising in a knowing gesture. I merely scoffed, walking around and behind him, my hand sliding through his hair. He hummed in approval, eyes closing in bliss.

"That's cute," I stated, my fingers squeezing his scalp as I yanked his head back causing a whine to leave his lips. "But this is cuter," I whispered in his ear. I watched in satisfaction as a tremble snaked down his spine and his eyes rolled up to look at me, a light blush dusting his face.

I released my grip and took the empty seat beside him, leaning on my elbow to stare at him. He quickly adjusted his posture, hand sliding through his hair to smooth it down. I praised his movements, eyes catching on every detail. The pout of his lips, the mischievous glint his eyes seemed to always hold, the square pattern adorning his cheeks, the way his breath slowed considerably. His face flushed as he stared back at me, noticing my intense concentration on him.

"If you have something to say just say it," he whined slightly. I swear everything he says either sounds like a whine or a moan. My hand reached up to rest against the side of his neck and under his jawline, pulling him closer to me. His eyes immediately closed slightly in anticipation, his own hands reaching up to my face as well. I leaned forward, my breath brushing against his lips.

"I think I might love you Enmu," I muttered against his lips. He gasped, his breath curling around my mouth. Smiling in victory, I pulled his face, our lips gliding against each other. The kiss was soft but didn't stop there. He tilted his head making my mind short circuit as the kiss deepened. His hands gripped my face, desperately trying to pull me closer still. I tugged back just as roughly causing him to surrender his chair and slide onto my lap. I swooned as he straddled my body and gasped for breath, my lungs also constricting painfully. We separated for only a moment before lunging forward yet again. I pulled him close, no space being allowed between our bodies, our chests pushed flush against each other.

Time ticked by but I was barely aware, my mind only belonging to the demon on my lap. I was in pure bliss, this close to him I was able to praise much more about him. His feminine curves, soft skin, the tiny squeaks he made each time my teeth bit his lip.

He pulled away, panting with a scarlet face and slight drool sliding down the corner of his mouth making my heart flutter at the sight. He ducked forward to my neck placing bites and kisses along my skin. I chuckled at the intimacy. This would've come as a surprise to me months ago but it's become pretty standard now.

"I love you," he murmured against my skin. My fingers gripped his hair and pulled back as he let out another whine. I placed a single kiss against his forehead. His eyes widened, showing off the shimmering ice blue of his irises. A sudden thought floated into my mind as I looked over at the book that Enmu had left unattended.

"Hey, what were you reading earlier?" I questioned suddenly. He seemed to be caught off guard, probably also disappointed. His eyes gazed over at the book, focus returning to him.

"Oh, it was a book on rare flowers. They're all quite beautiful," he muttered. I nodded back, somewhat absently. An idea formed in my head, one that we could both enjoy without kissing until we passed out.

"Do you want to go look for some?" I asked, turning towards him with my head slightly cocked. His face slightly blushed before he nodded bashfully. So he could handle full on suffocation between our lips but not an offer for a flower hunt? I shook my head, laughing quietly before easing the demon off my lap.

We both stood, a little shakily, before I scooped up the book in one hand and Enmu's hand in the other. Our fingers interlocked as we walked through the library. I turned around and quickly pecked his lips once more before pushing open the antique doors and beginning our hunt for the flowers, hand in hand with our hearts soaring.

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