Enmu x Reader

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(Adapted from alternate request)

The train cars rattled along the tracks through the dead of night, an ungodly hour when demons roamed their land. Breathing in the blissful cold air, I felt a brief rush of lightheadedness before it passed just as quickly. It'd be a shame if I passed out before any of the action happened and slept through all the fun. I'd never forgive myself for the loss.

Standing on the roof of the train car was a wonderful way to gain back all my energy, the moonlight filling me with a divine sensation. There'd be another great feast tonight to enjoy and I could hardly wait for Enmu to finish lulling all the passengers to sleep. Once he finished it'd be a free for all for me as well.

As if on cue, fingers slid up my back and over my shoulders gently. I shivered at the wonderful feeling, already knowing who it was without needing to see him to be sure. Only he could elicit these wonderful responses from me with so much ease. I was already ready to fall into his arms with only a touch, willing to give him anything he needed from me.

"Everyone's sleeping now. It's just you and me now," Enmu's voice reverberated in my ear. I could practically feel the waves of desire pulsing off of him from behind me. I chuckled at how obvious his emotions were for me to detect. He didn't even try to suppress his urges as his fingers dug into my clothes eagerly.

"Shall we go back then? I doubt you want to continue this out here," I winked over my shoulder. His face was already covered in a blush as his eyes lit up with excitement. He didn't hesitate a moment to grab my hand before guiding me down to the train cars where all kinds of various treats waited. Some of them far more pleasurable than others by the way Enmu kept glancing at me hungrily.

When we strode through the entrance into our private train car, warmth spread through my body to replace the chilliness of the outside. The room was fairly spacious with no witnesses, even the windows having coverings to prevent peeping eyes. Overall it really set the mood as Enmu released my hand to slide a lock on the door.

As he turned around, I was already there to keep him from moving away. Closing him off from escape, my hands slid to his waist firmly as he let out a shaky exhale of surprise that bordered on a moan. The sound spurred me on instantly like a switch had been flipped that Enmu would quickly witness in action soon enough.

"Mm, you're impatient tonight. Is there a reason why?" Enmu whispered breathily. All kinds of ideas floated through my head at that moment, each one more sinister than the last but we only had so much time before our prey would wake up and I was still hungry.

Instead, I leaned in close to brush my lips over his. Enmu was always passionate towards everything he focused on but when he was with me like this, there seemed to be far more than passion in play as he groaned unashamedly into the heated kiss. A fire lit in my chest as I tilted my head to deepen the action, my tongue sliding over his bottom lip before I bit it gently.

I was absolutely in love with every sound that slid past his mouth whenever I pushed a little too much or bit a little too hard. He seemed to enjoy it all. His hands eagerly ran through my hair, guiding me in a hasty rhythm that revealed just how desperate he was for my touch.

Giving in, I let my hands roam all over his body to his pleasure, his groans shifting to heavy breathing that made my body heat up quickly in response. It didn't take long of this before all other thoughts were completely erased from my mind, only Enmu remaining.

"More...please," he whined needily, my already rapid pulse quickening at his pleads. I began to move a bit further, placing a kiss on the corner of his lips before diving down to his jaw and along his neck. He cried out in bliss, always over sensitive to the slightest of touches as I bit his neck gently wherever I pleased. Everytime he shuddered, I knew I had hit a good spot that deserved more attention than other places.

It wasn't long until his neck was covered in dark red marks that filled me with sick pride. His voice was beginning to become hoarse from his moans, another result of the pleasure he was finding himself in. My own enjoyment was rising as well with each time his fingers tugged at my hair lovingly.

I began to notice when Enmu was close to becoming fully undone by the way his legs shook. He had started leaning on me more as I pushed him harder against the train car walls. He never once told me to stop though, urging me to go further and further as my lips found his again in an eager kiss that left my head spinning.

"We should go eat before this gets any more heated," I whispered against his lips, one hand moving to tug on his hair as he moaned breathily. He managed a weak nod after a few dazed moments but he didn't show any sign of stopping as his hands held me closer against his shivering body.

"Just one more kiss. Don't stop yet," his voice wavered, eyelids half lidded in bliss with a light blush across his face. His expression was utterly sultry and all too inviting. My hand moved to the nape of his neck, guiding him into a deeper kiss that made us both groan. One last kiss turned to two which then turned to three until I lost count and our prey was surely awake by the time we planned on being done.

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