Genya x Reader

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Thanks @ItsKaiden for the request!

"Have any plans today?"  My head lifted to face my friend with anticipation.  Genya tilted his head at my hopeful expression as an amused smile stretched on his lips.  He usually looked satisfied after piquing my interest like he had managed to do now. 
We've known each other for so long now, it was easy to find small characteristics of each other that made ourselves cheerful.  For instance, I loved the way his eyebrow would twitch when I said something to annoy him or how he would cross his arms when he was lying.  At this point, we could read each other like a book. 
"I don'," I drawled slowly.  Genya smirked at me with a new shimmer in his eyes that made me both nervous and flustered.  He leaned in closer with his gaze full of a burning intensity.  Whatever he was planning for us was sure to bring either trouble or fun, sometimes both. 
"Why don't we go on a little date?  We can go talk to Ubuyashiki to give us the day off.  I say we deserve it," Genya triumphantly smiled.  I couldn't help but grin back at the idea of a day spent with him.  It didn't help that he called it a date either despite it just being a friendly encounter.  My heart still raced. 
"I...would," I managed to croak out.  A small flash of irritation curled inside me at how slow my words came out.  For so long now, I couldn't speak very well and could only say things slowly and carefully.  It was difficult and a pain to deal with but Genya didn't seem to mind as he grabbed my hand to lead me to our master to get permission for our trip.  My face warmed at the contact as I let him drag me behind him.


Now I stood happily as I watched Genya saunter up to me with a wide smile that he only saved for me.  A beautiful pair of knives were in his hands as he stopped near me to show them.  The metal was dark with ancient looking inscriptions on them.  I could feel the excitement curling of Genya as he sheathed them at his sides. 
"I can't believe you bought these for me.  They don't look cheap," he whispered, now unsure.  I laid a gentle hand on his wrist as I smiled softly at him.  My other hand slipped into my pocket to grab my pouch of coins.  I shook the bag so the jingle of the metal clacked together as I smirked. 
"There's...plenty more...where...that came...from," I stated.  A soft blush coated Genya's face as I chuckled quietly, guiding us to another storefront.  We'd been here for at least a couple hours after getting approval from Ubuyashiki and I've been enjoying every second spent with Genya. 
Shopping with him was my favorite thing to do when we got the chance to.  As someone with a lot of money, I loved spending it in any way I could on him.  Whether he picked something out or I bought a surprise gift, as long as it put a smile on his face, I'd pay any amount.  With the coins hidden inside my robes, that was a rather large amount. 
And so we spent the day away together, buying whatever caught our eye and treating ourselves to sweet treats.  We'd laugh and tease, gliding down the streets as if we owned them.  I felt a strong coil of affection tighten in my chest when Genya was by my side and I could only hope he felt the same.  With the blush that would occasionally tint his face, I could take a guess at the truth. 
I wanted to be sure though and that's when a plan unfolded in my head.  It was time I confessed my true emotions to him and the perfect moment would be tonight after our perfect day.  A small slip of paper that was now stuffed in my pocket had informed me of fireworks that were set to go off tonight, a magical moment that Genya and I would enjoy before I asked him to be mine.


There was no denying this feeling swirling in my chest as I stole glances at Genya sitting by my side in the grass.  The stars sparkled up in the sky but I couldn't tear my gaze away from him to bother to look.  He had his head tilted back with his eyes closed in bliss as he sighed.  A shiver rolled through me in anticipation for the rest of the night. 
"This day was perfect," Genya breathed out happily.  I smiled at how at ease he was with me.  It was like everything else faded away.  Nothing else mattered but being here, just the two of us together as I steeled my nerves to finally confess. 
Leaning back in the grass, I finally allowed my stare to shift away from Genya to focus on the sky.  It wouldn't be long now until bursts of color would light up the night.  My mind began to wander to how Genya would look lit up in various colorful lights.  A warm tingle wiggled up my neck and across my face. 
He laid back by me in the grass, interrupting my thoughts and reminding me of my task.  I turned on my side as Genya noticed my attention shift to him.  He slid onto his side as well so we could be eye to eye as I inhaled deeply to calm my racing heart. 
Was there really going to be an easy way to say this?  The best thing I could do now was just spit it out while I had his focus.  It was still frightening though to think if he didn't return my affection.  Could it be enough to ruin our friendship that we've spent so long building to what it was now?  I wouldn't be able to bear it. 
"Just say it," Genya whispered reassuringly, one of his hands reaching out to touch my arm gently.  That one caring touch sent butterflies through my stomach and made me steel my resolve.  I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I never revealed this burning longing. 
"," I whispered slowly.  His eyes instantly widened at my declaration as I started to fidget with my fingers nervously.  This was the moment that determined where we went from here.  He could turn me down, break my heart and send me away...or he could pull me in and tell me how much he needed me through his actions. 
He stayed silent, a lack of movement that I hadn't anticipated.  I began to worry even further that I had messed up more than I thought I could as Genya only stared at me with a shocked expression.  He didn't mutter a syllable for a few panicking seconds as I sat up as if to leave before I made anything else worse.  "I'm...sorry...I shouldn't...have—" but my sentence was interrupted. 
"Get back down here.  You're not going anywhere.  I like you too," Genya smiled as his hand gripped my wrist to pull me back down in the grass.  I hit the ground in disbelief but my shock would only grow as something warm and soft pressed against my lips. 
It took me a solid second to process that Genya was kissing me, his hands cupping my face as he guided me against him gently.  I swooned in the affectionate and loving gesture as I pressed back softly to match his slow pace.  The kiss was carefully patient as if time had no meaning anymore now that we had each other. 
When we pulled away to catch our breaths with both of us panting through smiles, light washed over Genya's face followed by a loud crackle.  We turned at once to stare wide eyed as fireworks burst across the night sky.  Sparkles spiraled like falling stardust as more lights exploded through the air.  I moved my hand to hold Genya's, his shoulder pressing against me as we took in the sight with even brighter smiles.

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