Tamayo x Reader (Part 2)

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Thanks @DiaboAlpaca for the request!

Tamayo POV

"And where were you?  Who was that strange man?  Do you have any idea the scare you gave me?"  I chuckled softly at Yushiro's demands.  He always seemed to worry over me and I wasn't quite sure how to explain the wonderful night I had that would hopefully happen again. 
Y/n had left only moments earlier and Yushiro must've spotted him then.  It would've been foolish of me to suspect that I could keep y/n a secret from Yushiro anyways.  I offered the demon a small smile and a pat on his head that made him instantly calm down. 
"I was out in the town, strolling for a bit when this nice man, y/n, caught me before I fell.  I apologize if I made you worry," I soothed with a soft voice.  Yushiro pouted but didn't seem to hold any other hostility.  He hopefully was picking up on my fondness towards y/n, whether he liked it or not. 
"Should he ever disrespect you in any way, he'll have to face me," Yushiro whispered bitterly before turning away to sulk somewhere.  I sighed softly, shaking my head at his childish antics before retreating to my room to think over the pleasant evening. 
When I faced myself in the mirror, I instantly noticed the flush in my cheeks that wasn't there before, the shine in my eyes and the warm smile on my lips that I couldn't seem to squash no matter how hard I tried.  All I could focus on was the way y/n had agreed to meeting up again sometime.  Anticipation spread in my chest, another feeling growing that I hadn't felt in a long time and one I surely thought I'd never feel again.


"You're so beautiful tonight, as every time I see you," y/n smiled warmly, grabbing my hand gently as he pressed a kiss against my knuckles like he had that first day we had met.  Even after so many dates we have had together, he never ceased to steal my breath in one way or another.  There was always something charming in the way he'd stare at me in awe and admiration.  I was sure I looked at him the same way. 
"Such a gentleman," I sighed, one of my hands coming up to my chest playfully as if ready to faint dramatically.  This elicited a chuckle from y/n that made my face warm delightfully.  He was too perfect for his own good and mine as well for that matter.  A demon and a hashira should never even be meeting in secret once, let alone every week.  There was something about him that always made me come back though. 
Tonight, he had proposed a nice stroll to a surprise place he had wanted to show me.  I trusted him to guide me somewhere pleasant as he held out his arm for me to hold onto.  I've learned plenty about him during our past dates to know that he was sincere in everything he said as if incapable of lying or deceiving. 
At first I was unsure how much I should share with him but it hadn't taken me long to warm up to him and share some of my most hidden secrets.  He had listened with encouraging nods and supportive smiles that made me feel safe and protected.  Learning about his life was interesting as well.  He had grown up poor and starving before learning the way of the blade from a passing demonslayer. 
When he lost his family, he left his hometown to become a demonslayer himself, one day even becoming a hashira.  Even though he had his misgivings with demons, he had told me that he felt no vengeance or hatred towards our kind.  He even entrusted me with the knowledge that there were times when he let some go, some he knew were innocent and living peaceful lives. 
We never brought up that I was a demon myself, only when I mentioned certain time periods that I had seen.  In those moments, y/n wouldn't even flinch or turn away, only looking at me with curiosity and wonder. 
"It's not going to be much but it's a place I love to go when I'm overwhelmed," y/n smiled at me, his voice gentle and soft in the night air.  My thoughts scattered, clarity washing over me as I looked into his eyes.  They held such kindness and promise for a beautiful future, demons and humans alike.  I began to desperately hope I was a part of that future. 
His eyes glanced forward again as he moved aside a bush so I could pass.  Even Yushiro would admire his manners and kindness.  Y/n was a gentleman in every way who knew all the right ways to respect a woman, human or not.  That's when my eyes spotted our destination. 
"Oh my, it's beautiful," I breathed out.  Y/n chuckled, guiding me along.  The meadow was wide and empty, flowers shimmering in the moonlight that cast everything in its silvery touch.  A gentle breeze made ripples across the grass, like invisible children running through the plants. 
A calming sensation took hold of me as I understood why y/n came here to unwind.  There was something about this place that put all my stress and worries away.  It would shock all the tension out of anyone.  My grip on y/n's arm tightened slightly in awe. 
"I hoped you'd like it," he smiled, releasing my arm to sink down onto the carpet of grass with a sigh.  Not even minding the dirt, I dropped to my knees in bliss.  The ground was so soft it felt like a blanket that I couldn't help but lay back in.  Y/n chuckled softly, leaning back to join by my side as our stares turned to the night sky. 
The stars sparkled high above, drawing me into a trance that I refused to snap out of.  It made me wish that the sun would never come out again, never have to chase me off and I could stay here for as long as I wanted with y/n next to me.  It was silly and yet such a wonderful idea.  There were a few beats of silence, both of us lost in the stars. 
"Is it possible for a human and a demon to fall in love?"  My breath caught in my throat as I sat up instantly to stare at y/n.  He sat up too, his eyes as sincere as always with a serious frown on his face.  It was the first and only time I've ever seen him look so beaten down, possibly even afraid.  Hope and travesty filled my chest, warring with each other for what was right. 
"I think it's already happened," I whispered, my eyes holding his no matter how painful it felt now.  The idea sounded wrong, a sin even, and yet when y/n leaned in to press a gentle kiss to my lips, I didn't hesitate to push closer.  Perhaps it wasn't the right thing to do, but I didn't want to ever let him go as his hands found mine to hold softly, again finding a way to steal my breath.

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