Obanai x Reader

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Thanks @Silas030 for the request!

"Something about you being here makes me want to jump off."  My frown turned to a sneer as I glared at Obanai who didn't even bother glancing my way.  He looked so nonchalant, swinging his legs over the edge of the branch with a dismissive shrug of his shoulders.  I hunched back against the trunk of the tree with my arms folding over my body. 
"Like your presence is wanted here either," I shot back sarcastically, rolling my eyes with a huff.  I was a bit tempted to kick him off.  My foot was practically twitching as my leg straightened out to touch his hip teasingly.  Obanai didn't so much as flinch as his gaze found mine with barely restrained amusement. 
There was always some way that he would make me tense up whether it was through cheeky insults or sly comments that were borderline pick up lines.  This time it was the former for no apparent reason as he stared at me with a hidden cocky grin I knew he was wearing under his mask. 
"You looked pathetic and frustratingly alone as usual so I figured you wanted company to at least protect your reputation," Obanai winked, one of his hands reaching to grab my ankle that prodded at his waist.  His grip was firm but not harsh as he tilted his head to inspect me with his mismatched eyes.  As much as I hated to admit it, his eyes were beautiful and always pulled me into a trance. 
"Oh fuck you," I drawled, snapping my gaze away to peer down below at the ground to avoid his eyes.  It would be too easy to get lost in them and give in to whatever argument we had started.  The last thing I wanted was to lose to this asshole who thought he could say whatever he wanted because he was pretty and powerful. 
"You wish but I don't feel like having to drag you through the process," Obanai pointed out, his touch on my ankle turning gentle as his fingers stroked my exposed skin sensually.  Shivers rolled up my body as I retracted my leg with a flustered glare.  He only chuckled in response as his hand came up to pet the snake around his shoulders mockingly. 
"I wouldn't even dream of doing such a thing with you.  It makes me disgusted just thinking about it," I scoffed, my arms digging into my chest apprehensively as I tried to curl into my body.  It was a bashful lie and by the heat of Obanai's stare, he knew it too.  My burning face wasn't helping my case as my eyes landed everywhere except the snake hashira. 
"Amusing that you think of me while you sleep.  I wouldn't have expected such a thing to be possible for a guy like you, so stone cold," he proclaimed with humor dripping from every word.  Despite his joking though, there seemed to be something sincere in the shimmer of his eyes.  It was almost like he was hoping that everything he said was true. 
"And yet you're the one insinuating this scandalous daydream of yours.  How often do you think of me in such a sultry way?" I smirked back, allowing my leg to kick out again.  This time when my foot hit his body, he trembled in reaction with a bit of his blush peeking out from behind his bandaged mouth.  I'd finally broken through his nonchalant exterior to his vulnerable core. 
A small amused chuckle of victory slipped past my curved lips as Obanai took his turn to glance away bashfully.  When his eyes shot back to mine with renewed confidence, his gaze was even more intense than before.  Whatever he was planning next was clearly a challenge as his hand found my ankle again, his grip a bitter stronger. 
"Who knew you'd be so adorable when attempting to get under my skin?"  My shoulders tensed instantly as his words sunk into my head.  What had sounded at first like an insult actually felt more like a pickup line and I wasn't sure I could keep up with the switch.  Obanai seemed caught by surprise as well as his whole face exploded in a crimson hue.  It was honestly kinda cute. 
A sudden yank on my leg interrupted my spiraling thoughts as I was dragged across the rough bark of the branch with a surprised yelp.  Hands latched onto my waist firmly as Obanai slid his body over mine.  His earlier shyness was clearly gone as he lowered his face close to mine with mischief and another emotion swirling in his eyes.  I ended up holding my breath as he leaned down to my ear. 
"Don't think I didn't see the way you brightened up when I said that.  You should've known better than to urge me on," he hissed low, his snake even joining in as well.  There was something dangerous in his tone that made it sound like a threat rather than a promise but I knew better than to believe that lie.  Taking a chance, my own hands came up to tangle into his hair with a smirk. 
"Maybe I know exactly what I'm doing and I'm willing to accept your pathetic excuse of a way to ask me out," I whispered, loving the way his eyes widened for a quick, surprised second.  His hold on my body only tightened even as his gaze averted to the side bashfully.  Running my fingers through his dark hair, I realized this might've been my favorite hobby.  Who wouldn't love teasing Obanai?  Especially when this was the outcome.

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