Sanemi x Reader

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Altered from alternate request

"Please explain to me why these brats think they can do whatever the hell they want?"  I chuckled at Sanemi's groaning, wondering yet again how he came to be a teacher.  He didn't seem to like kids very much and would often lose his temper with the especially horrible ones.  This man had no patience and yet he still had a job here.  It was a miracle he hadn't quit or been fired with how he handled any disrespect from his high school students. 

I guess I was surprised I had become a teacher as well.  If you had told me ten years ago that this is where I would be, I'd call you a fool and probably avoid you for the rest of your life.  At the time, I hadn't even liked kids but after my sister ended up having a child, something had changed for me.  I still did not want any children for myself, don't be insane, but I still wanted to lead others down a better path.  But how the hell was Sanemi here? 

"Explain to me why you're even here in the first place?  Wouldn't it be better for you to work somewhere else?" I pointed out, taking a sip of my coffee with a shrug.  No one ever used this staff room considering it was in the back corner of the school but that only meant privacy.  No having to put on fake smiles or get wrapped up into any unnecessary volunteering.  Luckily Sanemi happened to hang out in here as well.  These interactions always seemed to brighten my mornings. 

"Sounds like you're trying to get rid of me.  Me being a teacher is besides the point.  I just don't want to put up with any of the attitudes anymore," he grumbled, taking a swig of his own coffee that I already knew was extra bitter like he was.  I couldn't help snorting at his comment, his eyes narrowing at me momentarily as if offended at my remark.  The teasing was another thing I enjoyed between us.  It kept the mood light even when he did glare at me like that.  This man was the only thing keeping me sane here. 

"They're teenagers.  What did you expect?  None of them will bow down to you and the ones who do should go see a counselor," I laughed into my drink, tilting my head at him with a smile.  I could've sworn I saw a small blush spread across his face but he hid it behind his cup as he downed the rest of his coffee.  I wanted to gag, knowing how dark the drink was.  "I really don't understand how you can drink that, especially this early." 

"It matches my mood and these stupid kids aren't helping.  I'm just going to start shoveling the coffee grounds down my throat at this point," he scoffed, setting his cup down on the table with finality.  I rolled my eyes at his dramatics, taking his cup and putting it in the staff sink to be cleaned later.  Sanemi gave me an appreciative nod as I stood beside him against the counter.  I watched his shoulders tense up, knowing that standing by him like this usually had this effect on him.  It was cute to say the least. 

"So then why become a teacher if you seem to hate it so much?" I asked with interest and clear curiosity.  Sanemi rolled his eyes, making me hit his shoulder playfully before he frowned seriously.  "I'm being serious, Sanemi.  I really do want to know."  He took a moment to apparently think it over before he sighed, crossing his arms over his chest and causing our shoulders to brush. 

"I like seeing what our future is going to be.  These kids, as ridiculous as they are, will be holding all of us up someday and I want to do my part in guiding them to their own bright destinies," he whispered, his eyes glued to the floor.  I could barely breathe, struck by the confession.  I never took him to be so noble in his cause.  Honestly, I was expecting him to say he lost a bet but this seemed to fit him far more. 

"Wait, that's actually beautiful.  I never took you to be so serious about this.  Sanemi, why don't you tell more people about this?  You could inspire a whole generation," I stated, my hand resting on his shoulder as I leaned in closer to look him in the eye.  His blush darkened as he turned his face away with a small mumble.  I couldn't help the smile that pulled at my lips seeing Sanemi bashful like this.  I suppose I never took him to be humble as well. 

"You're the only person I've told.  It sounds ridiculous and I guess I trust you enough to tell you," he confessed in a whisper.  I felt my chest tighten at his heartfelt words, my hand squeezing his shoulder.  When his eyes slid back to look at me, I felt the intensity of his gaze cut right through me.  It made me want to find all the layers he held.  He wasn't just some bitter teacher who hated his job and drank bitter coffee.  He felt he had a purpose in this world and cared for what the future held, ready to steer us into a brighter tomorrow that I now desperately wanted to be a part of. 

"Now how'd you get your scars?" I pushed eagerly, tracing my finger over the one along his jaw.  He tensed up immediately, grabbing my finger in his hand with another playful glare.  I smiled at him brightly, knowing the mere contact had made him flustered again.  He chuckled to himself at my antics before casually bringing our hands together between us. 

"That's enough opening up for one day.  Maybe tomorrow."

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